Chapter One

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Hailey's POV

"Come on Hails' stop acting like a goodie too shoes, she won't find out. You know that right" one of my best friends smiled offering me some drugs, dad had done that before and so had Ellie, she's 18; I'm 18 in 5 months and leave school in 11months, I'm in sixth form right now so that's why I still go to school. Let me explain a little about the situation right now... I'm hanging around with one of my best mates Ellie, her boyfriend and my boyfriend, Ellie's boyfriend was best mates with my boyfriend which was cool.

"I've got school tomorrow; if mum finds out I'll be dead" I over exaggerate; I wouldn't be dead I would just be in serious trouble; trouble I don't fancy getting into.

"Screw school, what do you prefer, having fun with your mates and boyfriend OR sucking up to teachers" Drew try's to convince me, his arms around me as I leant against him happily; school was important and I knew that but I was always behaving, why couldn't I be a little rebellious for once in my life.

"Fine" I gave into the peer pressure of my friends and boyfriend. Drew put some cocaine into the side and showed me what to do, I did it; the effects immediately taking control and I felt better, I knew it wouldn't last long but it was long enough for me to be happy.

"We need you to take these; keep them safe for My uncle; the police are watching us but they won't expect you, Theirs just 100kg (I don't know if that's right to be a lot but let's just say it is) of cocaine in their, my uncle will tell me when he needs it, please Hailey" Jacob Ellie's boyfriend asked before I was set to go home

"I can't; what if I'm court; what if mum finds out" I worried.

"You won't get caught, we've got your back" Ellie reassures me, I wasn't sure if I should or not, but it was for my friends so I had to, I couldn't let them down so I agreed. If I was with my other friends Katie and Lucy then I wouldn't be in this position now.

"I love you baby" Drew kisses me before I left the houseZ

"I love you too Babe" I smiled. I turned around and began walking home; anxiety filled my stomach knowing I was carrying drugs, I could get stopped at any second and I had drugs on me.

"Excuse me me miss; we believe you are in possion of something you shouldn't" I was approached by two people from the car across the road, had they been watching Jacobs house, did they know I had drugs, were they police.

"I'm not sure I get where your coming from, I've just left my best friends boyfriends house; how could I have something I shouldn't?" I asked swallowing hard

"What's in that bag?" The cop asked and I tried to think of an answer.

"My gym clothes, don't think you'd want to open it; kinda smells from the gym" I nodded; in my head I thought it was a good idea but to the cops it wasn't.

"We have a warent to search your bag, if you don't mind" the cop from before told me, I couldn't fight this, I handed my bag over, I was done for now.

"What's this?" They pulled the bag of cocaine out of my bag and I had no response; my head told me to run but it also told me to face up to this; I had agreed to take it for Jacobs uncle so it was my fault.

"It's not mine" I lied not facing up to my responsibilities

"Hailey Westfall we are arresting you for pocestion with intent to supply; you do not have to say anything but anything you do say will be used against you if the case goes to court" the police officer said sternly, handcuffs were placed on my wrists and I was taken to the police car.

"Interview commencing at 14:30 officers present PC Luke Ashford and PC Kate Hemisphere. Also present is Hailey Westfall and her lawyer Camilla Rose" the police officer I knew as Luke told the tape. The pair began questioning me (can they do that without her mum being their at 16; I think they can I just don't know if it's different in Australia) I couldn't snitch on Jacob or his uncle so I stuck to my story.

"We are going to release you on bail since this was your first offence, next time you won't be so lucky" police officer Kate told me

"your mum is on her way to collect you" she then told me; great. As I sat in the police station waiting to be 'collected' by mum I sighed, I was probably going to be grounded but I was doing a favour for my friends, if I didn't then it would have been them but they would have been locked up; in an actual prison, I couldn't let that happen.

"Hailey your mum is here" I stood up after hearing Kate tell me my mum was here, I fiddled with the cuff of my jumper and followed Kate to me let out. Mum looked disappointed in me, I was disappointed in myself too.

"Hailey, what are we going to do with you" mum sighed seeming rather calm about the whole thing.

"Sorry mum" I apologised.

"I've got to pop back to work, your going to go home and we will talk about this later" mum warned me, I nodded knowing she was disappointed but didn't want to show it.

"I'm sorry mum; it won't happen again. I promise" I admitted knowing if I apologise it's be abit better than if I lied and didn't apologise, I knew i should have told the truth about who the drugs belonged to but was I really Ready to loose my best friend and my boyfriend because I got caught helping my best friends boyfriend out; No I wasn't.

"Just behave while I'm at work" was all mum said as she dropped me off outside our house, I nodded and walked into the house after I unlocked the door, I threw my keys on the side and hung my coat up.

"Who doesn't love a bit of drama in their life" I thought to myself before I headed to my room, turned my speaker on and listened to some music, although it was my first time getting into some trouble, I had a liking for it so it surely wasn't going to be the last, just probably the last for being arrested, or so I hoped...

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