Chapter 9

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(Allison's POV)


(Y/N) said so. 

And she came this far into the studio without dying, and she claims it was all thanks to Bendy. 

She wasn't lying, I can tell the signs. 

Her story was...crazy. But she wasn't. I could tell. 

I saw the sadness in her eyes. 

I couldn't bear it, so I told her I would convince Tom so we can go looking. 

Not gonna be easy.

Later that day...I asked him.

"What?! Are you crazy?? She's been brainwashed, she's not in her right mind. Who knows if it's all a planned trap?" he said in reply. 

"Tom, she's not brainwashed! If she was, it must've worn off by now! I can tell if anyone's lying or acting, and she wasn't. Bendy really was helping her. I can look for him myself if you won't help." I said back, angrily. 

"Allison, there's no way to be sure. Even if she was telling the truth, we don't know if the demon is harmful to anyone else. I don't want to risk your or my life again." he says, softer this time. 

"Tom..." I say. "I trust her. If he won't hurt her, then he can listen to her. You've never talked to her, how can you think that?"

Tom looks at me for a long while. 

Then he nods. 

"I'll talk to her first. Then, I'll decide if we can trust her." he says. 

(Tom's POV)

I'll try to listen to the girl. 

Allison asked me to. 

I do my best to help her through this place. Never thought we should help each other. 

I went to go talk with the girl. 

She was curled up on the cot, knees held to her chest and sitting up. 

"Hey, girl." I say. "Sorry, what was your name?"

She looks up at me like I'm crazy. 

"I'm...(Y/N)." she says. 

I pull up a chair and sit down in front of her. She puts down her legs. 

"Allison asked me to talk to you. She told me you weren't brainwashed, but I wanted to be sure I could trust you before we jump into whatever you're thinking." I say. She nods. "How did you meet him, and how did he 'help' you?" 

"Well...I turned on the Ink Machine and he jumped out and scared me by accident. Something ran into him. And he saved me from a horde of Searchers, a man in a Bendy mask, and that Frankenstein Boris. With Boris he got badly hurt...then you took me away from him." she replied. Her voice sounded so sorrowful. So pained.

Even if she was brainwashed, this emotion was real. 

One more question.

"If Bendy's so good, why would he attack us?" I ask.

She stares at me for a long while.

"He...only attacks those who threaten him. Maybe you assumed he was gonna hurt you so you attacked first, leaving him no choice but to fight back." she says.

True, he would jumpscare us and we would jump into battle. I never thought that we were the ones who started it. 

Suddenly in that moment, the pipes shudder and moan.

I Will Protect You (Ink Bendy X Female Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang