Chapter 2

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"Olé!!!" The players on the side-lines cheered as their captain let loose an impressive serve on the opposing team.

The first years watched in awe as the receivers scrambled to return the ball. On the first touch, the ball sailed just over the net and out of reach for the 2nd year setter. Without a second beat, Iwaizumi leapt up and smashed the overpassed ball to the floor, both the receivers and blockers too slow to stop the ace. Another point scored for their team and putting them in a good position at 18-13.

Kunimi clapped politely at the play turning to his friend to catch their reactions, he was almost blinded by the stars in their eyes. Following their eyeline he caught them staring at their captain and vice-captain who were in a cheering huddle with the rest of their team.

Yup, these two are so whipped.

Kageyama caught him watching and immediately began to ramble.

"Did you see that!? Oikawa-senpai is amazing! That serve- wah!!"

"No no no! Iwaizumi-san scored the point though! Being the ace is so cool! I want to be like that!"

Kunimi had to take a step back to catch his breath, the two continued to ramble on at how amazing their senpais were. It's not like he disagreed, their upperclassmen were certainly amazing.

The practice match continued between the 1st string players, showcasing the high level plays that Kitagawa Daiichi was known for to their newest members. As the points rose closer to match point, more and more members of the club stopped their own activities and drills to spectate the match.

It was now nearing the end of the day and this last set of the practice match is likely to be the last activity of the volleyball club. With the score 24-22, the team with the notorious duo of setter and ace were ahead and at match point, the gym was quiet with anticipation. The opposing team served having scored the previous point, the libero got under the ball and bumped it up cleanly to Oikawa who was waiting at the net.

As the ball arched, Iwaizumi began his approach. Kageyama watched with excitement as Oikawa's fingertips guided the ball to the outside hitter position. The ball soared flawlessly with little to no spin. The middle blockers struggled to catch up as they ran parallel to the net but to no avail, the opposite setter had just managed to reach his hand up in the way of the spike but the raw power and technique from the unloaded swing of Kitadaii's ace was unstoppable. The spike had pushed the setter's hand out of the way before cleanly and loudly meeting the hard floor between two people in the back row who couldn't react in time.

The whistle blew signifying the end of the match and there was a loud cheer, not just from players on the court but the on-lookers as well. Kageyama could see the coach talking to the other team, probably giving them notes on their performance. As he peeled away from that team, he gathered all of the club members to give them a huddle before sending them all off to change.

Kageyama rocked on her heels in excitement, the coach's words going in through one ear and out the other. She was planning on asking Oikawa-senpai to teach her after this.

As the coach sent them off, Kageyama stayed on the side-lines politely, waiting for Oikawa and Iwaizumi to finish their conversations with the coach.

Watching the coach walk away, giving the two boys a pat on their backs, Kageyama moved towards the duo.

"Oikawa-senpai!" Her blue eyes met the caramel ones of the older student.

"Tobio-chan~" Oikawa grinned, "what's up?"

Fidgeting with the ends of her shirt, shifting side to side, the young girl tried to collect her thoughts. Oikawa stood patiently, inwardly gushing about how cute the first year looked. Her soft features squished in a pout, eyes glancing around innocently.

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