prank gone wrong

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another short one :/

you close the door softly while taking off your shoes and putting your keys in the bowl near the door with a sigh.

today was rough. it was all blood, sweat and tears. you wanted the album to be out asap but you were pushing yourself to the limit that now, you've lost your voice.

you see finneas lying down on the sofa so you crawl over him and you lay on top of him. you close your eyes, ready to fall asleep but you feel finneas shuffle under neath you.

you hold onto him with your arms around his neck but he doesn't wrap his arms around your waist, like he usually does. you brush it off and you just lay there.

"y/n, get off of me, please." you hear finneas and you frown but you sit up anyways.

"i need to tell you something." he says and you nod.

"i think we should break up."

you felt your whole world come crashing down. you stood up and you put your hand up to your mouth, trying to say something but you couldn't. you shake your head as tears form in your eyes.

"it's just that whenever i'm on tour, i feel like we drift apart and you deserve someone better than me. i hate to say it but i don't feel the same anymore. i don't love you anymore." he explains. he tried to grab for your hand in comfort but you take a step away from him.

"i'm really sorry y/n." he says and you just let it all out. you fall into your knees with your hands on your face, tears falling like a waterfall down your face. finneas looks at you with wide eyes and crouches down to get to your level.

you knew you weren't good enough for anybody. you knew that your purpose in life was to be alone other than to sing. he just got straight to the point and ended it and you had never felt more alone than you had now.

you tried to speak and finneas could see that but you just couldn't and you wanted to speak so badly.

"y/n, are you okay?" he asks and you shake your head. you grab your phone and you go into notes. you type in what you want to say and you show it to him.

"i lost my voice today because i've been pushing myself to the very limit everyday and losing my voice was the price i had to pay. i understand that you don't really feel the same anymore because most people get bored of me and then they leave. don't apologise because i can't change what you feel. i'm really sorry that i made you feel this way." finneas reads out loud and he immediately frowns.

"god babe if i had known of this i wouldn't have said this. i didn't mean anything that i've said. it was a prank. a stupid prank and i'm so sorry baby." he says and you look up at him. you give him a hug and he hugs you back.

you break away from the hug and you type something in your phone.

"will you ever leave me?" you type and you show it to him. he reads it and shakes his head.

"i'll never leave you baby. never." he says and he kisses the top of your head.

"i'm so sorry babe." and you shake your head.

"it's okay." you type and he smiles.

"let's get you to bed. it's been an exhausting day for you."

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