she'll be okay

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one thing that you disliked about doing the volunteer hours with the paramedics was the night shifts. you had to sit in the paramedic base, on call all night. this was the third shift and it had been pretty quiet with little or no calls.

you had to complete one hundred hours of voluntary service, according to you professor in uni. training to become a paramedic wasn't easy but it wasn't bad. the university was located in your hometown which made your life so much easier.

you yawned slightly and quietly while reviewing your notes for your upcoming exam. the man who showed you around the place, johnny, sat a couple of desks behind you, doing something on his computer while three other people chatted about some stuff meters away from you at a coffee table.

it was a quiet night.

key word: quiet.

a call comes into your computer and you remained in your seat johnny comes by, knowing the call was probably minor.

he was so wrong.

"there has been a multiple vehicle crash on eighty six boulevard. couple of minutes away from here, we gotta leave right now. another site has dispatched ambulances and more are on the way." he reads and you quickly get on your feet.

you grab one of the uniforms, it most likely being someone else's, and putting it on.

this was the most action you had received yet so there was anxiousness rising up inside of you.

you all hurried into the ambulance lot, diving yourselves into three ambulances. johnny in the drivers seat and you in the passenger. he looks at you with a smile. "your first actual emergency. you ready?" he asks.

the sirens turned as he spoke along with the others on the other ambulances as they pulled out of the lot, yours soon following. you take a deep breath before answering.

"yeah, i'm ready." you say with confidence as johnny speed to the scene, cars pulling over to make way.

"you're going to do great." he says, his eyes fixated on the road ahead.

in a matter of minutes, you both had arrived at the scene which already had fire trucks and cars, surrounding the area. the sirens turned off and you both hoped out of the vehicle and to the demolished car. johnny grabbed the stretcher from the back as you followed three other paramedics to the car.

you heard a weak and tiny cry come from the car and you ran to the other side. you see a girl sitting inside, the window shattered. she had wounds all along her arm from the glass and the side of her face was cut open, blood running down her face.

"hey there sweetheart, you're okay. i'm here to get you out of here, okay?" you say gently, reaching through the window and undoing her seatbelt.

"i'm really s-s-scared." she says while coughing up blood.

"dammit." you say to yourself as you reached in and wiped the blood away with your sleeve. more tears left her eyes as you tried to open the car door but it was stuck shut.

"johnny, i have a girl stuck in her car!" you yelled over the commotion. he turned to you and bought over a fire fighter. the girl was now screaming in pain, tears violently streaming down her face, mixing the the blood. you tried to fight away the feeling of sadness as more firefighters came over and pried the door off with one of their tools.

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