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Chapter 1- "Why do they put letters with f*cking numbers?"

"Daddy why are you leaving?",5 year old Xyla asked, as he angrily huffed, stuffing his clothes into a suitcase

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"Daddy why are you leaving?",5 year old Xyla asked, as he angrily huffed, stuffing his clothes into a suitcase.

"Because..sweetie, I don't love your mommy anymore.",He said, sighing softly as she began to cry.

"B-but..you s-said y-you'd...never leave..us..",she sniffled, whispering the last part.

"I know..but I fell in love with someone else. You'll understand one day, sweet Xy.",and with that, he grabbed his suitcase, walking downstairs. Xyla ran after him, hugging the stuffed bear he has gotten her a few months ago.

"Xy, sweetie, please go to your room. Your father and I need to have an adult conversation.",the child's mom whispered softly. Though Xyla was young, she was matured faster than most 5 year olds.

"Mommy..why can't Daddy love you?",Xyla asked, sniffling. Both parents sighed heavily. They knew their daughter was highly intelligent and had acted older at times.

"Xy, you'll understand in the future. Just remember, I'll always love you.",her father leaned down, kissing her head then nodded at Xyla's mother and left. Xyla felt so broken. Was this her fault?

I woke up in a cold sweat. Ever since I was young, this nightmare never seemed to let me forget what happened when I was just 5 years old. I scowled at my alarm clock, seeing as it said 3:15am. I had school in 3 hours. I sighed heavily, running my hands through my dark brown hair. I got out of bed and walked downstairs to get myself a snack.

"You know, you have school in a few hours.",I almost screamed and dropped the glass of water I had in my hands after hearing my mom's sleepy voice.

"I couldn't sleep.",I said, calming my heart rate.

"Same nightmare?",my mom questioned. I nodded numbly, sipping my water.

"Sweetie, it wasn't your fault. You keep having this nightmare because of the guilt you shouldn't have.", mom said softly. I just nodded, setting my half empty glass down. Mom watched as I walked past her, back upstairs.

I decided to just binge watch netflix until I had to get ready for school. I climbed into bed, turning my tv on. I decided to watch the show Dexter. As the episode begins, I feel my eyelids slowly shutting and then darkness consumes me.

"Fuck my life, can't say that girl
Don't tell me you can save that shit
All she want is payback for th-"

I groaned, as my alarm went off. I grumpily pushed the snooze button and tugged myself out of bed. I decided to wear black crop top, my red and black flannel, with light blue ripped jeans and white high top vans. I trudged towards my bathroom, yawning. I turned on the shower, while waiting for the water to heat up, I brushed my teeth quickly. After I was done, I undressed and hopped into the shower.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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