Slashing of Kennywood

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It was nighttime and the four girls were watching the slasher flick 'Slashing of Kennywood.'

Sandy was bundled in a blanket, Tootie was holding a pillow for comfort, Cindy was writing a review of the film and Sam just watched the film with no problem.

"Hey, girlfriend. You were right this is fun," Sandy said as she was laughing nervously to hide her true feelings of the movie. She hanged up after the call and watched the movie until 11 pm.

At 11 pm, Sandy had trouble sleeping so she added her framed picture of Spongebob and her and for comfort, a lamp for reading. "Just in case," she said as she read the book the movie was based on and slept after she read the third chapter.

The next day, they met at a mall to discuss their thoughts on the film. "Luckily I read the book, or I wouldn't know what happened in the movie. Tootie said, "What about you Sandy? What are your thoughts on the film or are you a coward?" Sam asked the squirrel but she was furious on the inside. "Coward." Sam remarked.

"No! I'm not a coward! I watch the whole movie and I read the book it was based on. Sandy exclaimed as she felt insulted by Sam. 

"I believe you, I too read the book but I felt the movie explained details better than the book did. Sam said as she explained why the differences between the movie and the source material the book.

"Tonight sleepover at your house Sandy, whoever screams first is the coward."  Sam said as she planned for tonight's gathering.

"Agreed!" The other girls exclaimed as the four girls left home to prepare for that night's activity.

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