Chapter Seventeen

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I took a deep breath before entering the clearing where Ivan was waiting. He had a similar pedastal for catching my blood, but this time I wouldn't give him the chance. I clutched the dagger in my coat pocket, praying I could do this fast enough. All it would take would be one mistake, one slip up, and I was dead. "Cutting it close Miss.McGarden." He said with that smile of death.

I steeled myself as I approached him, not answering him. I kept my eyes on the dagger in his own hand as i stood before him. " Your gun please." He said, holding out his hand. Again I didn't answer, and I didnt move. He growled slightly before reaching for it, and it took my chance. I lunged forward, not bothering to take the blade from my pocket, but simply stabing through it all together. He hissed in pain and tried to back away, but I kept pressing forward as I recited the spell.

Again, it was in Stelian, and sounded more like a song than anything. It roughly translated to Take this Evil, bind this strength and purify. In theory, it would weaken him for the rest of the full moon, but even weakened he was still stronger than me. I gasped in pain as he kicked out, sending me across the clearing.

" What did you do to me wretch?!" He hissed, clutching at his wound. I smirked as I stood, pulling my gun free. "I weakened you with a Stelian spell. It's over Ivan." I said, aiming my gun towards him. A smirk crawled across his face and I felt a wave of fear was through me. The shadows around me shifted, before I was completely and utterly surrounded by his demon followers. Shit.


I followed Lucy to the guild, taking in the beauty of the full moon. It had been centuries since I had last been able to enjoy it, and I just wish the shrimp was here. " So where did short stuff go?" I asked the blonde.

She glanced back at me before looking back towards the guild. "Don't worry about it, we will see her shortly." Was all she said and i frowned, my gut automatically twisting uncomfortably.  " Lucy." I said in a threatening tone, but she said nothing as she opened the guild doors. Inside, it looked like Fairy Tail was going to war. People were being armed, bullet proof vests and the like we're put on those that weren't immortal and I could even see most of Extalia was there. I gritted my teeth together as I stopped, but Lucy grabbed my arm before I could turn.

"Don’t. We have to give her time." She said quietly. "I'm not going to leave her in the hands of that madman!" I shouted, earning several glances from those nearby. "Gajeel, you have to trust her. As soon as master gives the word, we are all going for her. We wouldn't dare let anything happen to her. "Erza said as she came up beside us. She was in red armor that matched her hair, and several smaller fairies were hovering around her. I growled lowly, my fists shaking but I nodded. "Five minutes. That is all I am willing to wait."

Luckily, everyone was ready in three, and we were off. I was running in wolf skin beside Lily, those with wings and other ways to fly were high above, while the rest drove in cars and on motorcycles. I could smell a large amount of demons, and it almost washed away Levy’s ink and sunlight scent. It made me run faster, knowing she was in the middle of it all.

Erza dove out of the air and out of sight, followed by the sound of screeching as we broke into the clearing. Levy, and now Erza, were surrounded by the mass of demons as they stood back to back. The screech came from a shadow stalker that Erza had cut down, presumably about to attack the small girl. I roared in anger as i tore through the mass, trying to get as close to my mate as possible.

Those with wings dropped from the sky like bombers, taking out demon after demon. "We have to get Ivan now! Before the moon sets!" Levy called above the noise. I turned to see the oni trying to escape in the confusion and I growled, turning for him. With the Titania by her side, I knew Levy would be safe. I ran for Ivan, wanting to tear into him for what he did to Levy, for how he tried to take her from me.

I roared and he turned, wide eyed as I lunged at him. He held out a jagged dagger and I had to halt my jump, the silver shining in the moonlight. He snickered as he held it out. “Not so tough, are ya wolf boy?" He smirked and I growled. I just need one good bite, and I can tear his head clean off. I slowly circled him as I tried to find an opening. A growl behind him drew his attention, and as he turned to look at the panther there, I lunged.

My jaws wrapped around his neck, and with one hard shake and a bite, his head came loose. I dropped his head as pain seared my side and a weakness came over me. I glanced down as my legs gave out, he had managed to shove the dagger between my ribs. He missed my heart, but I could feel my lungs filling with blood. I couldn't shift as Lily hurried to me, now on two legs, and as I heard the cheer go up when the demons vanished, one voice called as darkness drifted in. "Gajeel!!"

Her Touch (Gale) {Fairy Tail AU}Where stories live. Discover now