Chapter 1

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Lisa POV

"Hey cutie" I winked at this hot chick right in front of me.

I was at a bar right now just like every night.

Yeah, I'm still a senior in highschool but I have a fake I.D for this type of shit I do. Plus I'm rich and if you haven't known you can get away with anything as long as you have money.

That's how society works in are generation.

I don't get caught by my classmates cause I'm a master at disguised and well, I'm just good at hiding who I am.

People know me as a nerd at school for the way I dress.

I can't help it okay

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I can't help it okay. I get these huge ass hangovers after partying all night and I don't wanna wear makeup and brand clothings.

I mean brand clothings are comfortable but I don't have time at change in the morning. I'm to lazy to change and I would always wake up late for class.

I would dress to impress but who am I supposed to impress? The teacher? Cuz hell nah.

And those Rich bitches are all so...weird. Plus they're not my type at all, well except one but she's like on another level.

Those other student don't really catch my eyes, it's either they bully me and listen to the rich bitch or they're just... How would you put this in a nice way..not beautiful.

I'm bi, if I haven't told anyone but I play more on the girls side and they love it. Wink wink.

I go to the club to get some action, weird flex but I'm sorta a sex addict and sorta not. Like I have a huge sex drive but I can also live without sex.

I would usually bring home girls after the night and have sex and they would leave in the morning.

I live by myself in the mansion that my parents bought me, they live in Thailand and would call and text me every morning and night.

I have a bodyguard/guardian that live with me but he's like my second father to me. His name is T.O.P. father hired him because he thought I would get lonely and also because I need someone to wake me up for school.

I don't really like school and I'm not very good at it either. They call me a nerd but my grades are as low as there self-esteem.

How my school work is only the teacher would move around and the student would just stay in their class every period. So I get to see the same ugly faces every day but not really, I usually sleep in class because I don't get sleep at night and the girls are so wild that I would be sore afterwards. Not complaining though.

I don't really have friends cause apparently popularity matter in this shit hell of a school. I'm in the bottom of the rank and that impossible cuz I'm a motherfucking top.

The only friends I have is from another school, their name is Bobby and Hanbin. I met them at the club and every since then we became the trio.

They know I'm bi and and only go for girls. Not to offend anyone but guys are hot and all but the thought of liking them is really unappealing to me.

They're like family to me. My parents know about them and so does T.O.P. They don't support what I'm doing but I don't give a damn.

My parents can be asshole sometimes but I have to live through it since they're my parents and they might die soon because of old age. They know I'm bi too after seeing me checking out a girl in middle.

They're against it but they don't say anything. They push me off to guys yes, but I would get away from it.

"Yo lalice" Hanbin shout from the crowd with Bobby.

I broke off my kiss with this cute chick and turn to him.

The girl tired to kiss me again but I pushed away. She gaved up after 3 tries and went away to find another person to please her for the night.

"Wtf man. Look what you just did"

"Oops sorry buddy but just so you know it's already 7" Bobby pulled out his phone and showed me the time.

"Shit I better get going before T.O.P does to my room and wake me up" I kissed both their cheeks and ran off to my car.

I drove home quick change into new clothing so I don't smell like alcohol when T.O.P comes in.

Once I gotten into bed I soon fell into a deep sleep.


It only felt like 2 minutes but I soon felt someone dragging me out of my bed.


I quickly open my eyes but the bright sun light made it impossible. I felt a headache soon afterwards as I tried to stand up.

"You went out again didn't you" I heard disappointment from T.O.P's voice.

"Yeah" I replied plainly like I always do.

"Just hurry brush you teeth and get to school" T.O.P dragged me into the bathroom and then left.

I did my business and changed into nerd clothing or whatever the rich bitch calls them. They don't know comfortable clothings since they're always showing up in heels and girly clothing.


I ran down stairs to the dinning Hall and took an apple for a snack as I drive to school.

"BYE T.O.P" I yelled and closed the door.

I drove a pleb car to school since changing into my elite cars would cause a lot of rumors around me. I don't want more rumors around me since their already is next to the rich bitches.


I soon to my class front door. I look like shit since I have bags under my eyes because I only had about 1 hours of sleep.

I open the door and soon everyone eyes is on me.

"I'm not even surprised no more Lalisa. Finally decided to show up huh" Mr. Heechul teased me.

I glared at and went to my seat in the back and out my head down.

"If you don't wanna learn why bother coming to school for the rich Lalisa" I heard for him.

"Your just wasting my time" He added.

"Bitch, shut the fuck up. It's not like I wanna be here anyways" I yelled.

A lot of gasp was heard around the room. All eyes were around me and him.

Probably surprised it came from the nerd that always sleeps in classes.


"BITCH, I DIDNT WANT TO BE HERE ANYWAYS. I LITERALLY GOT DRAGGED OUT MY BED TO BE HERE AND THAT'S ON CAP" I yelled back and put my head down and gave him a peace sign.

My handover was making me moody and tired so once after that argument. I soon fell in a nap.

I heard snickering and whispers around me that are all talking about me. I know they're from the rich bitches but this shit happens everyday so I got used to this.

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