Chapter VII: Unwanted

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''Hey Steven...'' Pearl is the first to speak. Garnet and Amethyst are looking at Steven with worried faces while Steven just looks at the floor.

''Hey Guys...'' Steven replies. He's already making his way to his room before he's stopped by Amethyst.

"Dude. We need to talk." She says. She might just be the most worried of the trio. "Please. Sit down."

Steven decides to play along and sits besides Pearl. The ambiance is heavy and empty at the same time. Pearl breaks the ice by speaking up.

"Steven." She begins. Unbeknowest to the young man, the 3 had practiced this conversation hours in advance. Tonight was opening night.

"We have noticed that you have been quite.... distant with us lately. Ever since Cactus Steven attacked us, you rarely even talk to us."

"We just wanted to tell you that, if there is anything you want to tell us. You can tell us now." Garnet says. She wants to hide how worried she is but it's futile.

"Yeah, man. We love you. You know that. You don't have to keep secrets from us." Amethyst says with a kind smile on her face.

"Of course you'd say that." Steven says. "You can't fool me. You're just saying that because you want to keep me from snapping. If I speak now, you'll probably never talk to me again."

Pearl notices her 2 comrades are unable to form words, so she speaks for them.

"Of course not. Steven, where did you even get those thoughts?" She asks him.

"Where else? Pink Diamond!" Steven says, slightly raising his voice.

The 3 gems are very startled now. They know how sensitive this subject is, especially to Steven.

"See? That look on your faces tells me everything. Dad had that very same face. If you can't handle this subject, how can I talk about it?" He remarks. The 3 gems still can't speak.
"I tried to talk about this with dad, and now the van is basically a crushed soda can!"

Pearl suddenly gets up from her chair.

"You what?! How could you even do that?! You know how fragile he is! These pink outbursts of yours are getting severely out of hand!"

As if right on cue, Steven gets up from his chair too. His body glowing a bright pink.

"It's not an OUTBURST!" He shouts. The wooden floor below him slightly cracks.

Pearl just keeps talking.

"See?! This is exactly what I'm talking about!" She puts her hand on Steven's shoulder. "What's happening to you?"

Steven slaps Pearl's hand away.
"Nothing! Nothing's wrong!"

Steven walks towars the stairs as Pearl follows suit.

"Where are you going, young man? We are not done tal-" She crashes against a Pink wall Steven puts up. She continues to tell Steven to get back there but he keeps walking.

Amethyst shapeshifts into a piece of paper and slips under the pink wall. She then grabs Steven's arm to get his attention.

"Not so fast, my dude. You gotta tell us what's going on!" She says, with a stern but worried face.

Garnet also slips under the wall and holds Steven's other arm. She then turns to Amethyst to whisper something to her.

"It looks like Steven's trying to avoid a serious discussion about this altogether." She whispers. Steven overhears her and turns around, his pink aura glowing brighter.

"NO..... I'M NOT!!" he shouts, dropping the wall completely.

Garnet looks at Steven. She has been protecting him from the dangers of Homeworld ever since he was a baby, so seeing him on the verge of a breakdown was a sight she couldn't bear to see.

She takes her star-shaped glasses off, revealing her 3 eyes and holds Steven's shoulder.

"Steven. You have to calm down and talk to us!" she tells him, trying not to sound too strict.

"Yeah man. Just chill." Amethyst says.

"Don't let this power control you. You are better than this." she says, her eyes appearing sad.

Steven is unable to control this. He wants help, but he also wants space. He's put them through enough already. He can't be a burden.

He can't be a burden.

He can't be a burden.

Steven's pink aura unleashes a blinding light as he screams at the top of his lungs.


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