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iii. it was only an hour
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"I'm smart! Why is this not clicking?" Olivia groaned as she sat down across from Dustin. They, as well as Steve, were currently in the break room of Scoops Ahoy, desperately trying to solve the secret Russian code Dustin had introduced to them but a few minutes ago.

   "For being in all AP and honors classes, you can be a dumbass." Dustin sighed.

   "When'd you become such a dick?" she asked as she rubbed her temples. Staring up at a whiteboard in the corner of the room they'd put the Russian alphabet on, she held back her screams of frustration.

   "Stop fighting," Steve spoke with a mouthful of banana, placing a hand on Olivia's shoulder.

   "Awe, look at mom and dad." Dustin mocker.

   "For your information, I am grandma material," Olivia scolded, "now, replay that recording. I wanna' hear it again."

   Dustin sighed and rewinded the tape, causing a high pitched squeal before words and light music began to spew from the small speaker. It sounded like absolute gibberish to Olivia, even with the Russian to English dictionary as a guide.

   "That sounds familiar." Steve suddenly spoke as the tape ended.

   "What?" Dustin and Olivia asked in unison.

   "The music. The music at the end." he specified.

   "Why are you focusing on the music, Steve?" Dustin shouted, "Listen to the Russian! We're translating Russian!"

   "I'm trying to listen to the Russian, but there's-"

   "All right, babysitting time is over!" Robin exclaimed as she swung open the break room door, "Steve, you need to get in there. Olivia, Vincent is waiting at the front counter for you."

   "Oh, God." Olivia groaned, quickly making her way back to the front of the store. As soon as she opened the door, she saw an annoyed Vincent with folded arms waiting for her.

   "You've been on a lunch break for an hour and a half!" he yelled, trying to keep up with her as she rushed towards the store.

   "You take three-hour lunch breaks!" she countered.

   "Well, yeah, but you're the one who actually keeps Orange Julius afloat!" he groaned. With a sigh of relief, Olivia looked to the shop to see no customers waiting in line nor people trying to nab money from the register.

   "Y'know, if you didn't spend all your time with Steven-"

   "Vincent." she sighed.

   "It's the truth!" he replied.

Lovefool . . . Steve Harrington²Where stories live. Discover now