Chapter 16: I Like You

Start from the beginning

When I was finally sitting comfortably next to him, Junsu let my hand go. His eyes never left me.

"Have you been eating properly?" he asked me, frowning.

"Nope," I said, grimacing.

"Why not?"

"No appetite."

"You should still eat something."

"Yes, dad..."

Junsu smirked. "I'm glad I'm not your dad. I wouldn't get to have you this close if I were."

I blushed a bit, but somehow I was still feeling uncomfortable.

"You still need to eat something," he insisted.

I sighed. "Fine, fine..." He gave me a warning look. This time it was my turn to roll my eyes. "I will."

"Don't let that shitty guy bring you down," he said, "You don't need him."

I didn't want to talk about this. I lowered my head. Bad idea. Looking at the distance between the tree and the ground almost gave me a heart attack.

"Woah," Junsu said, grabbing hold of my waist, "I won't let you fall, don't worry."

"You better not," I told him, my hand snaking around his shirt for support.

"Are you doubting me?"

I looked at him. He was trying to be serious, but the twitch at the corner of his lips gave him out. A smile followed on my lips.

"That's what I like to see."

He leaned into me and kissed me. It was a short kiss, but it was enough to get rid of the uncomfortableness I was feeling. He rested his forehead against mine.

"Hey, I need to tell you something," I told him, frowning.

"Hm?" he breathed.

I couldn't handle him being so close to me without kissing him again, but I did my best to control myself. "I'm going to be transferring to a different school."

I felt his body tense up. But he tried to play it cool.

"Oh? Nearby I presume."

I shook my head. Seoul wasn't close to Busan. "We're still thinking about it, but... I may end up going back to Busan with Dad."

"Oh." He looked away from me. "When?"

"Possibly next week..."

"Do you want to go back?" he asked me, staring out into the distance.

"I don't know yet. It's hard to think these days."

"So your father decided to do this?"

"Yeah. He doesn't like the school I'm going to now. Too many bad things keep happening."

"That shit can happen anywhere."

He sounded displeased. I knew he was going to get mad, but what could I do? It wouldn't feel right if I suddenly disappeared on him.

"We're still not too sure about this though," I said quickly, hoping to lift his mood.

He shook his head. But he didn't say anything. A cold gust of wind blew by us. It's been a while since I've left my room. Feeling the wind against my skin made me feel much better in an instant. Of course it was still very cold; it was still snowing after all. I was wearing some pajamas that were in no way cold-resistant. But they were comfy, so who cares right?

"Hey, mind being a gentleman and lending me your hoodie?" I asked him.

He finally looked back at me and sighed. "I should get going," he said, "You should go inside before you get sick."

"Aww, I was just starting to enjoy this," I groaned.

He smiled. "I'm glad you seem happier again." He rubbed his thumb gently on my lips, making my heart skip a million beats simultaneously. "Next time just tell me if you're feeling down. I'll come over to you. Even if it's in the middle of the night. I'll be there."

I blushed deeply at his words. Junsu always knew how to play with my emotions. But this was the most heartfelt thing he's ever told me. I planted a kiss on his cheeks and grinned at him.

"I like you," I told him. I didn't care about the consequences of those words. I didn't think about how I had laid a trap for myself after saying those words to him. At that moment all I could think about was how I didn't want this moment to end.

Junsu looked at me for a long time. He didn't smile or anything. He held my hand. "You have no idea how that makes me feel."


It was 3:48am. The hallways were dark except for the few lights that lit the way. Quickly I made my way to room 322. I kept my head down and raised it only to check the room numbers. My hands sought for warmth in the front pocket of my hoodie. The idea was simple; I was to get in and out in less than five minutes. Jiho would make sure all of the cameras would stay disconnected for exactly five minutes as soon as I stepped into the hospital.

Two minutes later I was standing next to a familiar face. Carefully I poured the poison I was holding into his mouth, trying not to let the flask touch his lips. Seconds later his eyes shot open, but it was too late now. He tried screaming, but he couldn't. His throat must have been burning by now. The tiny amount of drug that I poured into his system was enough to kill him within the next few seconds.

I left the room after the four-minute mark. Hurriedly I walked to the elevator that took me to the parking lot. I managed to get out ten seconds before the five minutes were up. Jiho was waiting for me in the car with his laptop sitting on his lap. He gave me a thumbs up and grinned at me.

Finally, Mr. Kim was dead.

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