Nini got home around 10:30. What she did not expect was her parents and all her friends at her home waiting for her, Ricky included

"Uh, hi guys?" She said as she closed the door, "What're you all doing here?"

"Nini, where were you! We were all worried sick about you!" Momma C said.

"I was at the park.. and I forgot to tell you! I am so sorry!" Nini said as she realized she forgot to leave a note.

"Where was your phone?" Momma D asked.

"I left it. I'm so sorry you guys for keeping you worried." Nini apologized.

"It's alright, just make sure it doesn't happen again." Momma C said as everyone else nodded. Nini's moms then went upstairs to go to sleep.

The first thing Kourtney did was slap Nini's arm as Nini sat down.

"Never do that again!"

"Ow! And I won't Kourt!" Nini said as she rubbed her arm. "Promise!"

"Erm, how long have you guys been here?" Nini asked.

Gina answered, "since eight." Nini nodded uncomfortably.

"Yeah, I should probably go. I'll see you tomorrow guys!" Ashlyn said as she got up to leave. Everyone did the same and got up to leave as well.

Nini looked out from her doorway waving to everyone. She then turned around and closed the door, but then saw that Ricky was still there.

"Oh, Ricky. You're still here." She said quietly.

"Yeah, um, can we talk?" Ricky asked. Nini nodded and sat down.

"Of course."

Ricky looked down at his thumbs as he fiddled with them, "Look, i'm sorry I completely avoided your question. It's just, my life isn't the most.. ideal thing right now."

"What's going on?" Nini asked in concern.

Ricky stayed quiet but then looked up at her, "my parents might be getting a divorce."

Nini's heart broke when she saw the tears that were threatening to fall from his face, and hugged Ricky.

"Oh my gosh, I didn't know. I'm so sorry, Ricky."

"It's fine, you didn't know."

They pulled away from the hug and now it was Nini's turn to look down. "I hope I didn't ruin our friendship."

"What?" Ricky asked, puzzled.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but the past two days were very awkward for the both of us. And, you were kind of avoiding me."

"Right, sorry about that again, Nini." Ricky apologized. "But.."

Nini looked at him and waited for him to finish what he was going to say.

"I'm willing to give 'us' a try."

Nini smiled softly, "Really?"

Ricky nodded back and smiled. "I'll pick you up tomorrow after school."

"Wow, okay then." Nini said smiling still.

"I should go now, though." Ricky said as he stood up.

Nini stood up as well and walked him to the porch, "Right."

Before Ricky left, the two of them were just facing each other.

"This is still kind of weird, so I am just going to give you a nice ole hug." Ricky said awkwardly as Nini laughed and hugged him.

"See you tomorrow." Ricky said.

"See you tomorrow." Nini responded as she kissed Ricky's cheek. "Night."


Nini watched as Ricky skated his way back home then closed the front door. She then went to bed with a huge smile on her face.


And finish!

Hope you guys liked the mini series :)

As always, I hope you enjoyed this one-shot, and vote and comment !

-Malexity xox

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