All you need is memory

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Alastor took the spider to his room. It was pink, basically everything thing was pink. Either hot, pastel or in the middle. His bed was heart shaped and it had reddish pink sheets. And a picture of someone Alastor knew too well...


"Cmon he can't be dead Ed."

"He sure can, dear!"

"Don't call me that"

"You love it."

They stumbled soon an alleyway where Ed smiled slightly, not warmly, but sinisterly. It was small, but big enough to seem evil almost. Anthony felt uneasy, seeing someone on the floor. He was twitching violently, his tongue lollygagging out his mouth, his eyes stuck in a state of terror. His neck had done a whole 360° turn. Al laughed and walked over to it, and poked it.
"He seems dead to me!" He said, smile plastered to his face.
"Edward Alastor Démone! How are you so calm?! You killed a guy!"

"Well, he came to me and made fun of y- me. So I um.. let him think he was winning," he paused, looking back at Anthony. He opened his mouth as if he was going to say something. He stopped and closed his eyes. "Well... I- the adrenaline was too much."

"Oh so your blaming it on the adrenaline! Jesus Ed! Seriously!? I could get EXPELLED!"


"I would... Never see you again. And that's not worth losing."

Edway had a blush Painting his cheeks. He smiled warmly this time. He spoke. "Dusty, my friend. Anthony Dust Bonita. You aren't worth expelling. I like you."

"Edward. I just saw you KILL A MAN-"

Ed didn't care anymore. He pinned Anthony's hands above his head and kissed him, passionately. Anthony, however, was in a different state of mind. He'd liked Ed since he was 9 but now it was a full blown love. Or crush. Whatever you call it. He closed his eyes ands relaxed into Ed's touch. He snuck his tongue into Anthony's mouth, he didn't care. Neither of them did. Anthony started to realize what they were doing. "E-edward.." he managed to breathe out, in-between mewls and moans. Ed was busy biting and nibbling on his sweet spot to speak, so he hummed in response.
"We're thirteen..."
" Well, when your sixteen, we will."
"Hm.. good."

*End of flashback*

"We never did..." Al said quietly. He put the picture down. It was of him and Anthony. 'he couldn't be...' Al thought. He pressed two of his fingers on his head and two from the other hand on Angel's.; What he saw shocked him. Angel was having a dream,

*In angels dream*

He was in Anthony's perspective, as Angel was Anthony. He was looking at Edward(Al) and hugging him tightly, "don't go... I cant live without you..." Anthony had said. He had found Edward dead, gunshot to the head in his the forest by his Cabin.Anthony traveled back to the cabin to find multiple confessions to murder, in notes on the table. Anthony read all of them, got to one and stopped...
"Dear Anthony Dust.
I am sorry to have done this. I'm too far in crime. I am terribly afraid of losing you and putting you in danger. Take this letter. Keep it safe. And keep this. I hope you find me well. I will be okay without you. Don't worry, you did what you could. Continue your journey alone, find another love. I will love you for eternity. No worries. We shall meet again. In the tower in the let side of the pentagram. I have kept contact with the dead, here's a map of hell, described to me by a demon called Sir Pentious. He dies in the 1800's. He helped me. Meet me there on this date: 31/10/19 (Halloween, 2019)
If you are still alive, I will wait there everyday until you come. If I am not there... I don't know why I wouldn't be but.. I'm terribly sorry. I live you and will never ever stop. I'll never move on. Never even find love again for as I.... Love you. I hope you have a full life..."

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