0. Prologue

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Rose sat in front of her vanity brushing her light brown hair back into a ponytail, glaring at her unblemished reflection balefully. Absent were the wrinkles and grey hairs that would give truth to her age. The passage of time only noticeable in the length of her hair and the steel in her eyes.

Refusing to linger on the mistakes of the past that had long since become irreversible, she pulled herself up from her chair, exiting the room. The corridors of her home were decorated with photos of herself and her husband throughout their life together. She ignored them all as she made her way to the bedroom at the end of the corridor, not wanting another reminder of the youth her husband had lost over the years while she'd remained unchanged.

Pushing open the door to the bedroom she's greeted by the unfortunately familiar sound of machines whirring. She tries valiantly to ignore what the machines represent, the purpose they serve.

She pastes a friendly smile across her lips for the sake of their visitor, but every muscle is fighting against the lie she's trying to tell.

"Thank you, Doctor Simmons. I trust everything is well?"

"As well as can be expected at this stage. He's awake at least."

Her smile falters slightly, the truth never becomes less painful no matter how many times she's forced to confront it. Her gaze falls away from the doctor, falling onto his patient, almost without her permission.

"Thank you, for your help. Gloria will show you to your room and you'll be paid at the end of the week."

Accustomed to her behaviour by now he nods gathering his things, recognising that she'd like a moment alone. He smiles at Gloria as he slips from the room to his temporary residence, his exit going unnoticed by his employer. Her gaze still firmly fixed on his patient, as she drifts closer to him as if pulled by some unseen magnetic force.

Rose fusses with the empty glass on the bedside table, filling it with water in lieu of preparation. She finally takes her seat by his bedside once her task is complete. Her gaze falling back to her husband, mentally she counts each and every wrinkle on his face. Wishing once more she could share her old age with him, as they'd promised to each other all those years ago.

But Time was a cruel, cruel mistress. She took and she took, leaving only ruins and decay in her wake. Even her gifts were cruel tricks wrapped in a pretty bow to distract you from the pain and suffering they would inevitably bring as you wished you too could join the ruins.

She'd given Rose eternal youth but forced her to watch her loved ones wither away as penance.

And sitting across from the shadow of the man that used to be her husband, she feels part of her crumble. Oh, how she wishes she could toss her gift back in her face. But she can't and so she must live on, carrying the weight of all those she has lost.

Her husband's eyes flutter open with great difficulty, she banishes such cynical thoughts under his gaze. She smiles at him almost without thought, he'd always managed to pull a smile from her, whether she wanted him to or not.

His gaze is unfocused and confused, forcing her to confront reality. She already knows what he's going to say even before the words fall from his lips, already prepared to have her heartbroken by him again.

"Who are you?"

Her smile falters, her eyes brimming with tears that she will not let fall. She takes a deep breath, steadying herself so as to ensure her voice doesn't tremble.

"I'm Rose, I'm your wife." She tells him gently, patiently, as she does every time he asks, pretending it doesn't kill her a little inside every time.

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