'Ha ha very funny,' I said mock laughing. I realised I had not asked him if he ate. 'Hey did you eat?' I asked pausing my chow down.

'Yes I did just after Jenna and Nick left.'

'Um.... Does Jenna know that was a set up?'

'Yes she pieced it all together.'

'She is not mad, is she?' I asked glancing at him.

'No she is not.'

'That's good.... But why did she come out looking for me yesterday?'

'She said that she saw Liam storm off from the party and knew something was not right. So she and Nick followed you guys out.'

I thoughtfully looked down at my box and then said, 'Thank you for picking me up yesterday.'

'No problem.' His eyes had never left me. And after half my stomach was filled I realised it.

'So... want to talk about the elephant in the room?' I was referring to what happened between me and Liam.

'If you are okay to do so...or I can tiptoe around it.' Smiling he handed me a can of soda as he picked one for himself.

A thoughtful pause later I said, 'Liam is taking some time off from me. He said he needs some time. I...It's my fault actually.'

'You cannot blame yourself Eva. May be he needs some time to ...'

'No Aiden. It's completely my fault. I was distracted and I should have given him more time. If he gives me a chance to explain, I want to apologise and make it right. But I don't know if he will ever talk to me. I mean I don't blame him.' I let out a sigh as I ran my hand through my hair.

Aiden reached out and put an arm around me. 'It was comforting but then something bothered me and I blurted out, 'Can I ask you something?' And before he could answer, I continued, 'When we were together, was I giving you time and attention. I mean did it ever feel like I was building up a wall?'

Aiden removed his hand from around me and looked away for a moment before his eyes were back on me. 'Yes. Initially, I thought you were not interested because you kept running away from me. But then I finally got to go out with you. It took me a really long time to realise that you were cautious....afraid of getting hurt.'

I was always afraid of opening up, afraid that I would end up hurt. I was not aware that I had done that with Aiden. For a second our eyes were locked when my phone ring brought me back. I had left my phone in the room so I ran to answer it somewhere really hoping it was Liam. But it was not. I joined back Aiden in a few minutes.

'Not Liam I assume?' he said looking at my face.

'No. It was the charity that I volunteer at. They need some volunteers for tomorrow.' I looked at him and asked, 'Would you be interested to help out for a couple of hours?'

'Yeah sure.' he said taking a sip.

Before I could go back to asking him what type of a girlfriend I had been, the door opened and Jenna and Nick entered.

Jenna's face lit up as she saw me. She threw her purse on to the nearest chair and sat down.

'What did you have?' she asked looking at the empty box.

'Chow mein.' Aiden answered before I did.

'Want something to drink?' she asked Nick and when he nodded, walked over to the kitchen.

Nick watched her walk away and sat leaning on the arms the chair next to me where Jenna had been sitting.

'Thanks for setting this up both of you,' he said in a low voice with a grin. It was obvious from the joy he was exuberating that things were going well with him and Jenna.

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