Chapter 4

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Siobhan's POV
The following week...
Riley and I were walking around the zoo and interacting with the fans because we didn't have any shifts this afternoon and then Robert showed up and the fans ran straight at him and I laughed as he was getting swamped by them. Robert told them to come a meet and greet next week to meet him and then they left, Robert then walked up to us and he said to Riley "Riley, don't you have to feed the crocodiles with your dad?" "Oh I forgot, I'll see you later Siobhan" Riley then left and then Robert said to me "We're filming for crikey it's the irwin's today and we are releasing a new emu today and I was wondering if you would like to come along and see the new emu be released into the mob" "Yeah, I'll be there" Robert then walked off and I blushed a little bit before Bindi said to me "I told you he likes you" "Hey!" "What?, he invited you to something we are doing" "Sibert is never going to happen" "Maybe it will" Bindi then walked off and I said to myself "Gosh, why won't people stop shipping Robert and I?"

Later on that day....
I went out to where the emus were with the irwin's and Robert rounded up the emus and then Mick, one of the zoo workers came with a crate and the emu was tiny and we learnt his name was Sam, we got the crate down and bindi looked in the crate and she said "He has a mohawk, he actually has a mohawk and it's the cutest thing Iv ever seen and he's in there looking right at me doing his, you know the little emu face when they're like" Bindi then demonstrates the face Sam was doing to her and we all laughed before we released the little emu and he comes out and he peeps before he goes over to the other emus and they start to peck him and then they start kicking him and I'm so nervous, Robert then said "If we have to intervene, we can" they then continued kicking him until one of the big emus kicks Sam to the ground and we rush to stop them from hurting Sam or getting him on the ground and killing him.

We then decided to catch Sam and try to circle him, we then all try to catch him and then when Sam came to Robert and I, I tripped over from trying to catch him onto Robert who landed on the ground with me on top of him, I then said "Sorry" as I got up and I helped Robert up and then Mick caught Sam and we put him back in the crate so he can be put in our mangers Danny and Peter's yard, it's fenced in and then he can get to know the emus across the fence and it's not going to be as dangerous.

We then got back to the zoo and Robert's face was red probably from the heat today. Bindi then said to me "He totally likes you" "He's probably hot from the heat" "No, it looks like blushing to me" "No, he doesn't like me besides I'm totally out of his league" "You both love animals and photography so it's a match made in heaven" "Why am I thinking that you ship Robert and I?" "Because I do" "Bindi!" Robert then looked back at us and then i was embarrassed because he heard me shouting at Bindi and I blushed, Robert then blushed a little bit before he walked off with Riley and then Bindi said "Sibert is going to happen" "No, it's never going to happen" "Ok then I'll see you later" Bindi then walked off before I walked off to Cookie to feed her because I feed Cookie twice a week "Hey Cookie" Cookie then opened her mouth for food and I patted her as I feed her since she's so sweet and gentle, Cookie won't go attacking me so I'm safe to feed her on my own. I then said to Cookie "Cookie, you must know what it feels like to have a crush don't you?" Cookie then nodded and then I feed her some more meat before I said to her "You have Agro so your happy with him but I have a crush on someone" Cookie then nudged me for more food and as a way to tell me to tell her who my crush is, I then said to her "It's Robert, He's so cute and kind to me, I even have dreams about him saving me from Graham which is weird" I then fed Cookie so more food before Agro appeared, sometimes Robert feeds him with me but I'm by myself today so I might as well feed Argo too, I feed Argo a little bit of food because I know Robert will be coming soon to feed him before I leave them once I finished feeding Cookie

Robert's POV
I was walking to feed Argo when I over heard Siobhan talking to Cookie about a crush she has on someone and then she whispered it to Cookie before she said to her "He's so cute and kind to me, I even have dreams about him saving me from Graham which is weird" Siobhan then left after she finished feeding Cookie and I fed Argo while thinking "Does Siobhan like me as more then a friend?" I then went back to my place and then i found Bindi on the couch and I said to her "Bindi, Can I tell you something?" "Go ahead" I then sat down before I said to her "I like Siobhan as more then a friend" Bindi then screamed like she was so happy.

Bindi then calmed down and I said to her "Do you think that she likes me back?" "Yeah, ask her out on a date and see yourself" "Ok, thanks for the advice" I then walked up to my room and I decided to ask Siobhan out on a date tomorrow in a way no body else would.

Robert Irwin x Siobhan MannionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang