The sensing thing didn't take too long to begin working for me. About two days after he marked me I started noticing feeling something out of no where. At first I thought I was just overly happy about how things are going in my life but quickly figured out it was Natsu I was sensing. I can feel how happy he is with me. I can feel how much love he has for me. This last week though, well just these last couple of days, I've felt him get tense, and angry. It's only been at night. I've even heard him growling in his sleep, but by the time we get up in the morning and go about our day, he's gone back to his happy, loving, care free self. He's not gone back to being over protective but I've notice him stick closer to my side since I've began sensing this change in him. I'm currently laying in bed next to him and watching him. His muscles are tensed, he's begun to sweat and he's growling every minute or two while grinding his teeth in agitation. He's starting to worry me. I kiss his cheek with the hope that he'll wake up soon.

Natsu's dream pov

"You can't protect her forever." The sinister voice said as he began to cackle. "Who the hell are you!?!" I'm surrounded by dark smokey clouds in a dark room, with the only available light coming from my lit up fists. From what I can see I'm alone but I still hear this voice. "I will be taking your mate and making her mine. I will leave my mark and she will be mine. There's nothing you can do to stop it." He cackles again. "YOU WANNA BET THAT JERK! I WILL ALWAYS PROTECT LUCY! I WILL ALWAYS BE THERE BY HER SIDE!  YOU WON'T GET ANYWHERE NEAR HER!" He cackles once more, "We shall see.." "Natsu?? Natsu!? Hey wake up! Wake up!" I flutter my eyes open to see a panicked Lucy. 

"You okay? You were having a pretty intense nightmare. You even started lighting your fists in your sleep." I glance down at my hands then see her shirt is partially burnt off. "Don't ask me if I'm okay! Are you?? Did I burn you??" She looks down at herself. "No it was just my shirt. Don't avoid my question." She says seriously. I look away from her. These 'nightmares' keep happening and I can't tell anymore if it's just a nightmare or if someone is really getting through to me and threatening to take Lucy. It felt real. Every instinct I have is screaming 'keep her protected' 'don't leave her side' over and over. But, I glance at her seeing her concern, I don't want to worry her. "I...I keep having these nightmares about losing you all over again. Something happens to you and I can't get to you in time." 

She relaxes her shoulders and takes a breath and gives me a reassuring smile and cups my cheek. "Don't worry, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. I'm not allowed to leave you behind remember? Just like you're not allowed to leave me behind."  I smile at her, "Go ahead and change out of your top.. ooor sleep without one" I raise my eye brows at her. She blushes in response. I love that I can do that to her. She throws a pillow at me but grins. "I'll put a new one on." I pout but don't protest. Damn. I was hoping. She gets changed and then lays back down with me. She's already fast asleep in my arms leaving me with my thoughts. That wasn't a dream. Someone was reaching out to me. Threatening to take my mate from me. 'You can't protect her forever.' Watch me!

Natsu pov

I left Lucy a note letting her know I went to the guild and would be back if I didn't see her at the guild first. I went to talk to gramps. I needed to talk to someone about this. "My instincts are telling me these aren't just dreams gramps. I think someone is actually reaching out to me through my dreams and is planning on coming after Lucy. Or killing me. There's two ways our bond could be broken. I die, or another slayer marks her, making mine disappear and theirs appear in its place. I can't let either one happen." Gramps is sat on his desk listening to me and considering what he should say next. "You're right, we can't let that happen. Has this voice reached out to you only at night?" I think back over the last few days. "For the most part it's at night." "Hmm. Let's bring in Warren and see if he can help us with this as telepathy magic is his specialty." 

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