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You played some lively music on the way home, not wanting him to go to sleep yet. Once you got to the tower, his head was drooping and his feet were dragging. He shuffled toward the couch, collapsed on one of your pillows, and was out before you finished removing his shoes. You checked the kitchen to make sure everything you asked for was there, and headed off to the pool area, asking FRIDAY to let you know if Bucky woke.

Outside, you found a large tent, and what looked like every potted plant in the building. Inside the tent were the sleeping bags and a duffel bag with supplies. Behind a veil of trees were two large coolers with everything you needed. After the inspection, you began moving the plants around to make the area look as foresty as possible.

Bucky woke to find you stuffing food into a laundry basket to take outside. "Y/N? What you doing?"

"Gathering what we need for dinner. Come on, we're spending the rest of the day outside."


"We're going camping... kind of..." you trailed off nervously, hoping he'd play along.

"I can carry!" he pulled some snacks out of the basket to lighten your load.

In the elevator, he looked at you questioningly when you didn't ask FRIDAY to take you to the garage, and it only deepened when you stepped out onto the large patio.

"We're here," you masked you unease with cheer. "Look! There's the tent, and the forest, and a lake!"

"Is a swimmy pool," he pointed out with a slight frown.

"It's a fiberglass lined lake," you corrected with all the false confidence you could muster.

Bucky looked around again, then back at you, and you swore he could sense your worry. "You forgetted fire."

"No I didn't, the grill is-" you were cut off by your own realization that the grill wouldn't work. It was a massive thing that used propane, and completely useless for your needs. "Time out." You asked FRIDAY to have an employee sent to get a small grill and some wood. While you waited, you led Bucky to one of the large coolers, revealing the water balloons inside.

During your balloon battle, you learned two things: little Bucky was really strong, and his aim was still impeccable.

After using the pool skimmer to 'fish' for floaties and a swim in the 'lake', Bucky announced he was hungry. It was already getting dark by the time you finished eating, and his eyes were beginning to grow heavy.

"I think you're ready to turn in."

"I don't wanna," he weakly protested. "Gotta move box."

"What box?"

He pointed the second cooler with all the food. "Or bears come."

"Ohh," you nodded in understanding. "Will we be ok if I move it to the other side of the lake?"

"Yes. I help."

Once the food was well away from your 'camp', you retired to the tent where you began to set up some blacklight lamps into the corners. Bucky watched as you pulled out highlighters and soap from the bag.

"Since you don't want to sleep yet, we're making glow in the dark bubbles!" you sang. "I love bubbles."

After covering the tent, and yourselves, in fluorescent yellow stains, it was time for bed. You zipped Bucky up in his sleeping bag, making sure he was comfortable before crawling into your own. You were exhausted, but glad he had a good time and didn't seem to mind you hadn't really gone camping.

"Good night, Sweetie," you yawned.

Bucky didn't respond. He unzipped himself and stood, trailing the sleeping bag behind him as he crossed to your side. He placed it right beside yours and settled himself in. "G'night."

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Wake up," Bucky gently shook you awake. "Can we make cupcakes now?"

"Is the sun even out yet?" you groaned, noticing how dark it was in the tent.


"What? Why the hell are you up, then?"

He grabbed your arm and pulled you to a sitting position. "Cuz I want cupcakes. Get up."

"I'm up!" you whined, knowing he wasn't going to let you sleep another minute. "Let's go inside."

All morning you thought back on how talkative and friendly Bucky was the previous day, and waited for the other shoe to drop.

But it didn't. His moodiness dwindled as the days passed, and even though he was tired from the day's activities, he always asked you to read to him. When you finished Babe, you watched the movie. He absolutely loved it, but his face fell when he looked up and found tears running down your face.

"Don't be sad!" he implored.

"I'm not, Sweetie," you chuckled, half in embarrassment and half touched at his concern. "I always cry when I watch this because I love it so much. It's so sweet."

He didn't look convinced, but rather than say anything, he stood on the couch and wrapped his arms around your neck. Pulling you toward him, he placed a sloppy kiss on your cheek. "Better now?"

You laughed softly, "Much better. Thank you." Taking note of the singing mice, you stood and held a hand out to him. "I love this song. Wanna dance with me?" He responded by launching himself into your unsuspecting arms.

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