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When you finished the mummy exhibit, Bucky tugged on your arm, leading you to something that caught his eye.

"Can we?" he asked, indicating to a sign about a space presentation.

You pulled out your phone to check the time. "Sure. We have more than an hour until the next showing, though. Wanna get some lunch?"


You bought the tickets and headed out to find somewhere to eat. You opted for a diner, which thankfully, didn't have any problem with Bucky ordering his guacamole bacon burger. Bucky took a long time to eat, as he talked the whole time; about the dinosaurs, the mummies, and the book about the 'piggie'. You were in awe of the change in him, and hated to stop him short, but you needed to get going if you wanted to make it back in time.

He watched the show, mouth agape and hardly daring to blink. A couple was sat near you, speaking in low voices during the show. Bucky turned and shushed them. You covered your mouth in fear of bursting out in laughter, earning you dirty looks from the couple that no doubt expected you to scold him. After the show, you noticed Bucky was starting to become sluggish. It was nearing his nap time, but you still had one more thing you wanted to see before heading back.

"Was dis?" he looked at the greenhouse looking thing in confusion.

You took his hand and led him to the front. "Let's find out."

You were amazed that there wasn't anyone else waiting to get inside. The attendant closed the door behind you, leaving you and Bucky surrounded by beautiful plants and flowers.

"Pretty." Bucky focused on some purple flowers near the door. He still hadn't seen what the real attraction was. Stepping away as quietly as you could, you searched for the perfect specimen. Seeing a beauty that was a similar shade to Bucky's eyes, you cupped it in your hand and rejoined him. Without drawing attention, you placed the butterfly on his metal arm.

"Bucky? Very slowly, look at your forearm," you whispered, not wanting to scare it away.

He looked over and gasped. He kept perfectly still, wanting to look at it as long as he could. "How it get in?"

"They're born here. What do you say we play a game? Whoever finds the prettiest one, wins."

"Win what?" For once, there wasn't a trace of suspicion behind the look he gave you. There was only anticipation.

"What do you want?"

"Umm..." He shut his eyes tight in concentration before shouting, "Cupcakes! For breffast! Oops," he added when the butterfly flew away.

"Ok. If I win, I want to go to the beach." Bucky's eyes flickered toward his arm, making you want to slap yourself for not thinking of the discomfort it would cause him. "Scratch that, I'd rather go to the carnival. Think you can win more prizes than me?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

It wasn't long until the game was forgotten, and you just kept catching butterflies to place them on the other. You laughed when Bucky went cross eyed trying to look at one you put on his nose, and he completely lost it when one he put on the back of your hand pooped.

You got one to climb on your finger, and promptly placed in your hair. You reached for another and did the same, and repeated it a few more times. "Hey Bucky, do I look like a wood elf?"

"Noooo," he laughed, reaching for one and placing it on his own head. "You a pretty fairy." Before you could process what he'd said, his eyes widened and he wrapped his arms around your legs. "I find you! I win!"

"I'm not a butterfly, though!"

"You don't say 'butterfly'," he defiantly stated, not breaking eye contact. "You said most pretty one."

You fought the urge to hug him tightly. He didn't say anything the first time, but you didn't want to press your luck by doing it twice in one day. "What about you? You're way prettier than me."

He shook his head. "I catch you. You trapped."

Rubbing your cheeks, you sighed and surrendered. "What kind of cupcakes do you want?"

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