Long Waited Return

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Graduation Ceremony 

"Hello everyone! Today, I can't tell you all as to how proud I am to see everyone graduate from military academic  training! To be honest, your class cohort actually the first to have all the members from beginning to the end and graduate with flying color! That being said, I want you all to be cautious and take your training knowledge as backbone to help you solve real problems that you guys will be facing sooner than later once you officially start to work! Also, be aware that real life situation is not game like someone of you made out to be during training! Real situation is end game where you either solve the case successfully and put bad people behind bar or you get yourself kill instead! So,  be wise and make your family proud of new you! Everyone, please give a applause to our graduates!" Zhu Hong said on stage

*Sounds of Applause~~~*

"Now I will end my long speech and everyone please enjoy your graduation ceremony to the fullest because you all earn it!" Zhu Hong said and left the stage

"Say... I'm still puzzled, Yunlan. I thought instructor Hong will continue to bother you since last time you ask me to be your fake lover. But, it already past one month, but she has been professional during training but outside training she avoid you like a flea." Da Quing said as shewing on chicken drumstick

"I don't know. Maybe me being gay turn her off and finally able to think rationally." Yunlan said as he paling meats after meats on his large plate.

"Well, that is  better for me. I didn't have to embarrass myself by being your boyfriend even if it is pretense!" Da Quing happily said and continue to eat and take more foods while following around Yunlan.

"Anyway, what are you going to do after ceremony end?" Da Quing ask

"Hmmm, what do you think?? Of course, I'm flying back to my angel~~~" Yunlan tell and set down on one of table to eat.

"Of course you would! Why did I even bother to ask?" Da Quing said while rolling his eyes

"How about you?" Yunlan ask

"Going back home. I miss my family. Beside, I am looking forward to meeting your angel~~" Da Quing reply while enjoying his fried fish on stick now.

"True... We can meet each other once we go back. It totally slip my mind that you are also Dragon City citizen." Yunlan admit and continue eating his meats.

"...Say... why are you stuffing yourself with only meats? Is it that good or are you starving? I mean, I love meats too but... your plate is literally filled with only meats!" Da Quing inquire 

"Neither of them! My angel and mother is the best when it come to cooking! If you taste their cooking, you will refuse to eat it any other place! But... my angel is kinda strict on my diet.... so it will be loooong time before I get another chance like today to eat meats to my heart content!" Yunlan honestly said.

"Oh~~~ So you and your angel are practically married  couple but just didn't confess your feelings?" Da Quing ask curiously 

"I hope so! I'm afraid that my angel only think of me as his younger brother..." Yunlan sadly said and stopped eating making Da Quing feel sad

"Hey.... it will be okay! Think of it in positive way! You have known him since young and basically you know everything about him there is to know. Doesn't that give you leverage in winning his heart more than any other stranger?!" Da Quing optimistically said 

"Yeah! This is why I befriended you, fat cat!" Yunlan cheerily said making Da Quing regret making him happy again but he let it slide since it is special occasion. 

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