The Park

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Little Shen Wei was walking toward his house like any other day after cramp school. It was already late in the evening and sky already turning dark. He always passes through a park near his cramp school because it was short cut to his neighborhood.

The only different thing about today was that he heard sniffing sounds. It sounded like a kid was crying but it was hard to spot the body because it was dark outside.

Little Shen Wei didn't have any other option but to follow the crying voice. After good 5 minutes of searching, he finally found the kid sitting down behind a bush and crying his heart out.

"Hey.... Little one? Why are you here all alone and crying?" Little Shen Wei asked the stranger kid.

The stranger kid was startled at first for suddenly hearing a voice in front of him. He didn't even realize Shen Wei's presence because he was busy crying while burying his face on his knee. However, it did stop him from crying temporary.

Due to poor light, Shen Wei didn't see the startled face of the kid, but he could feel the other was staring at him.


Little Shen Wei waited for the other to answer, but from the look of it, he wasn't going to get any answer, so he repeated the question

"Hey.......why are you here all alone and crying in the dark?"

"I....don't know where I am.....and I'm scared...*sniffing sound*."

Little Shen Wei was happy that the kid finally responds but was startled because the kid started to cry again."

"Poor you... What is your name, little one? I can help if you let me." Shen Wei softly asked while soothing the kid to stop crying.

"It is Yunlan but my mommy called me Ah Lan, *sniffing*"

"Wow, what a beautiful name!" Shen Wei sweetly stated making little Yunlan to smile.

"What is your name, brother?" Little Yunlan ask back finally stopped crying.

"Oh! Sorry for forgetting to introduce myself while asking for your name! My name is Shen Wei, but you can call me Wei gege since I will call you Ah Lan!" Little Shen Wei apologized his bad and answered the question.

"Shen Wei....Wei gege.. What a good name, Wei gege!" Little Yunlan exclaimed making Shen Wei blush a little. He was so glad that it was dark outside.

Shen Wei is very smart kid, nice to everyone, loved by everyone and respected by teachers for how mature he is for such a young age, but he rarely gets close to anyone. The reason being is that his parents are always busy with work and barely have time for him. But every time they were home, they always expect Shen Wei to be a good mature boy. Not that Shen Wei mind his parents' request but sometimes he just wish to act like a little kid he is with his parents which is impossible with such a busy parents. His parents love him dearly, but they are ambitious people when it come to their work, putting parenting second in the list. Leaving little Shen Wei to fend for himself.

However, Shen Wei is acting out of his character today. He doesn't even know why he ask a stranger to call him Wei gege, and in return calling him Ah Lan which is intimating for first time meeting.

Shen Wei was brought back to reality from his thoughts when a little hand tug at his shirt.

"Wei gege, I want to see my mommy, I miss her, and I'm scared..." Little Yunlan said while holding onto Shen Wei's shirt tightly and trying his best to hold in his oncoming tears back.

"Shhhh, little Ah Lan.... Everything will be okay. Wei gege will protect you until your mommy find you! Let's get out from here first and ask for help from adults."

"But where will we find adults to help me, Wei gege?" Little Yunlan innocently asked back.

"Hmmmm, Wei gege know! Let's go back to Wei gege cramp school and ask teachers for help!"

Afterward, Shen Wei extended his hand for little Yunlan to hold and walked out from the park while holding each other hands.


"Shen Wei? Why are you still here? Your class ended a long time ago." Teacher Guo asked.

"Teacher Guo! We need your help!" Shen Wei exclaimed when he saw his favorite teacher Guo.

"Need my help?" Teacher Guo repeated the question but stopped when he saw little Yunlan hiding behind Shen Wei and holding onto Shen Wei for his dear life.

"Who is the kid behind you, Shen Wei?"

"This is Yunlan. I found him crying by himself in the park. He said he is lost and don't know where he is." Shen Wei explained the situation while pushing Yunlan to his front for his teacher to see him. At first, Yunlan was reluctant but after seeing his Wei gege reassuring smile he went in front of Shen Wei.

"Hi Yunlan! Can you tell me what your family name is, or your mommy name?" Teacher Guo asked

"What is family name, Wei gege? My mommy is mommy." Little Yunlan asked and answered to teacher Guo innocently.

Guo wanted to face-palm himself for even asking. Of course, the kid wouldn't know the answer, his Shen Wei is just an exception. And this Yunlan seem to be younger than Shen Wei who is 10 years old.

This will be complicated..... Should I report this to police and see if his parents are looking for him?

"Little Shen Wei, can you take care of little Yunlan for awhile longer while I call someone for help?"

"Okay teacher Guo. We will be in my classroom"

When the kids left, Guo called his husband Chu who is detective in Dragon City.

"Hello Chu?"

"What's wrong, Guo? Is everything alright?"

"I'm okay but I need your help with something. Are you free right now?"

"I'm free right now, we don't have any urgent case to handle. What do you need help with, Guo?"

"Well... one of my students found a lost kid in the park near my school. He is looking for his mom, but he is too young and don't know any helpful details but his name."

"Okay, what is his name then."


"Yunlan? That's all?"

"Sadly yes, he doesn't know his family or his mother's name..." Guo answered with sights for feeling helpless.

"It okay Guo. I will ask one of my teammates to search. I will call you back shorty."

End of Call


A/N: Here it is~~~~ As promise, my second sweet weilan~~~ I hope you like the chapter so far... Please leave comments and votes if you like it~~ As I mention before on my post, this story will be simple but sweet, full of fluffs weilan but very short story.... Until next chapter my dearies~~💖😻😍😘

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