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moving next too the person you love sounds great.

but not for  zach herron.

moving next too jack could possibly be the most awkward thing ever.

if it weren't for daniel, he would've said in texas. daniel was so happy he finally had the chance too move too la. he wasn't going too waste his chance just because there was tension between zach and jack.

which he noticed.


daniel and zach entered their new home with jack following them behind carrying a few luggage's.

"this place is huge!" said zach looking around the living room.

"i did such a good job at choosing this house." proudly said daniel walking into the kitchen.

"woah a popcorn machine!" said daniel taking out the machine from a cabinet.

"really?" asked zach approaching the kitchen.

"this is great and all but i'm the one carrying your luggage so could i get help?" asked jack.

"sorry." said daniel going over too jack his taking luggage.

"here." said jack passing zach's luggage too him making quick eye contact with him.

"thank you." said the brunette giving him a kiss on the cheek witch caused him too start blushing uncontrollably.

he was sure jack avery wanted it too.


zach was going too do it.

he was going too confess his love for jack avery tonight.

he had never been in love with a boy.

his family had always thought him too date a girl.

to bring home a girl.

zach was gay and he was finally excepting it.

zach 🤪
hey jack i know it's been a little awkward between us but i wanted too talk too you. if you could meet me at the park tonight at 7 that'd be great :)

jack 😼

zach read the text over and over again.
he was going too tell jack he loved him.
that he wanted a real relationship with him. he was sure that jack wanted it too.

i mean why else would he have kissed me?


the boy sat in the swing as he slowly rocked it. he took out his phone and looked at the time.


jack had been 34 minutes late and he was getting worried.

what if something had happened too him?

or what if he ditched your dumb ass.

zach watched as other teenagers passed by the park while he waited for jack too arrive.

he was destined too tell jack how he felt about him.

so he waited.

and waited.

and waited.

and after an hour had passed by, zach had realized that jack wasn't going too be there.

what a complete waste of time.

the male stood up from the swing and headed back home.

he cried.

he cried what felt like an ocean.

doesn't jack want this to?

zach walked trough the door passing by  daniel who was sitting on the couch watching high school musical and ran up the stairs that led to his room.

he shut his door loudly and walked too his bed and cried again.

"zach?" softly asked daniel knocking on his door.

all the blond haired boy could hear was loud sobs coming from zach.

"can i come in?" asked daniel worried.

"y-yeah." zach's voice cracked.

"hey what's wrong?" asked daniel sitting next too zach.

and zach explained everything too daniel.

how he had fell in love with jack.

and how jack had stood him up.

"you don't know?" asked daniel rubbing the crying boy's back.

"don't know what?" asked zach as he wiped a few hot tears away.

"jack is on a date with gabbie."

A/N: i was supposed too update this yesterday but i really didn't have time too i'm sorry :( also this book is coming too an end soon :(
dreams do come true.
i mean look at you 🥰

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