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"a party is being held for graduation. jack will be there. if you don't want too go, i'll say here with you." said daniel.

"i'll stay. you go have fun with jack."

"what are you guys talking about?" asked jack approaching the two boys.

"how zach doesn't want too come too the party." said the blue eyed boy with a frown.

"what? why not?" asked jack.

"parties are not my thing. i always end up getting drunk." said zach.

"oh come on. i'll make sure you won't. loosen up a bit." said jack putting a hand on zach's shoulder.

"i don't think so." said zach crossing his arms.

he really didn't want too go.

"your so lame." said daniel.

"come on zach. it'll be fun."

"you don't get it. i don't do parties after what happend. and you know what happened daniel." said zach.

jack realized zach really didn't like parties.

"alright. that's fine. but i'm still going." said daniel.

"i know."


zach sat in his room the night of the, scrolling trough netflix. daniel and jack were already gone too the party and he knew they'd come back late because everyone does at a party. he decided too watch aladdin.

"i brought snacks."

"jack?" he was the older boy standing with popcorn and candy.

"i didnt want to leave you alone." said jack with a frown.

"what about the party?"

"meh fuck the party." shrugged the blond haired boy.

"what are we watching?" asked jack sitting down beside zach.

"aladdin." said zach.


"jafar is such a bitch!" said zach.

"i know right!"

they watched multiple movies after that one had ended.

"i'll be back." said jack unwrapping his arms from around zach. he simply nodded.

"a speaker?" asked zach.

"yeah. i'm going too play music." said the older boy.

zach watched as jack put down the speaker and scrolled on his phone trying too find a song too put on. zach knew how too sing, but not dance. a few seconds later, senorita started playing.

"senorita?" asked zach as he lifted an eyebrow.

"what? it's a good song." said the blond haired boy.

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