Chapter 46: The Crates From Naboo

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Rey's POV:

I ran off to go see Finn tell him what I and Ben decided to do. When I get to the Falcon, I peek inside the tiny room. I don't see BB-8 anywhere in sight but I am shocked to see Poe and Finn kissing each other. My heart gets a warm tingling feeling and I decide that they could use some privacy, I did not want to be around for whatever might follow. I run off to find Ben and join him wherever he is. 'Where are you? Poe and Finn are busy for lack of other words.' I ask him through our bond. 'On the Falcon.' He replies. I stop in my tracks and start to look for him but I don't find him in any of our regular spots. The last place I check is the cargo bay.

I found Ben in there but I freeze once when I see all the crates and things from Naboo. "Hey, do you remember what symbols mean what?" Ben asks, pointing to one of the crates not knowing what's inside. "I will take care of these ones if you can take the ones with those symbols on them to our room," I replied, trying my best to sound cheerful despite the sorrow that was slowly taking over. I hope he will not ask any more questions, fearing if I had to answer them that I would fall apart. When he sent me to the vaults on Naboo, he only gave me instructions on what to pick up what he needed and the credits. The rest was left up to me, he doesn't know that the crates I'm taking are all filled with the baby and maternity items. I am hoping to keep it that way. We start grabbing crates and bringing them inside. I put all the crates I bring in a room next to ours. When I finish I lock myself in the room with the crates I brought up. Sitting on the floor next to the door I begin to cry all the tears I've been holding back since I first laid eyes on the crates. I realized I was never actually allowed myself the chance to fully mourn the death of my child, I try not to think about or allow myself into any mirrors unclothed, I just wanted to be there for Ben. I only give myself the one day I had with Ben when I came back before we had to get right back to work.

Ben's POV:

Once I finish moving all the crates I realize I haven't seen Rey in a while. I head to our room on the Falcon and knock before entering, remembering what Rey said about our two love birds earlier. They let me in and pack all of mine and Rey's belongings we use on a regular basis quickly so I can get out of their way. Once I am finished I head into the temple what feels like the hundredth time that day, in order to put our stuff away. I heard crying from the room next door to ours and panic a little. I try to check it out but the door is either locked or jammed.

Rey's POV:

I felt Ben at the door trying to get it open. The last thing I want is for him to see me crying and asking a million questions as a result. I stand up and kick one of the crates as hard as I can, I regret it right afterward but I needed an excuse for my crying. I use the force to open the door. "Why are you crying?" He asks, his tone filled with concern as he quickly walks over to me to wipe my tears away. "I dropped one of the crates on my foot" I lie as I lean in closer to him. I can't tell if he fully bought it or not but he picked me up bridal style and proceeds to take me to the medical tent while giving me a lecture about being more careful. "Oh, and remind me to check out that door later cause it was jammed shut making it hard to get to you." He states continuing to complain and lecture on the way.

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