Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

"No! I-I really don't think this can wait a second longer. Piper I can't be-"

Dirk clamped his jaw shut quickly, stopping the words tumbling out of his mouth as the door slammed open yet again. This time there was laughter coming from inside the building, as a shaggy haired boy stumbled out onto the grass.

Darien Fawley.

"Piper!" The Hufflepuff exclaimed with a mixture of surprise and glee.

"Gee, Darien... I didn't expect to see you here." Piper awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck.

"Neither. If I remember correctly, we're supposed to be in a Divination lesson." Darien grinned cheekily at her as Piper stepped closer to Dirk.
"Yes..." She hummed, "Why aren't you?"
The boy smirked, "Well I thought I saw you come out here. I haven't seen you in ages, what are you doing?"

"I thought you said your lesson was can-" Dirk started but was quickly stopped when Piper slapped a hand over his mouth to shut him up.
"Just... Hanging out with Dirk. Kind of... Prefer to be by ourselves." She grimaced slightly.

"Wait, what-" Dirk was yet again cut off as Darien interrupted him. "What's up with you? You've been weird recently... Not hanging out with anybody from our year anymore, even going out of your way to avoid us."

"Yeah... You see, the thing is-" Piper started.
The Hufflepuff boy was growing agitated though, "I just... I'm trying to ask you out! Like, you're really making my life difficult and I'm beginning to think you're doing it on purpose. Is there something wrong with me? Is that why you're being weird? What's wrong with you?"

Piper was starting to grow nervous, her palms sweating and heartbeat racing as she tried one last tactic. "I'm going out with Dirk."

"Excuse me?" Dirk choked on the air in his throat.

Darien frowned, "What? You're joking!"
"No." Piper shook her head, "Dirk and I are going out. He gets extremely jealous and doesn't want me around you. He said if I hung around with you anymore, he would get Esmerelda Avery to mess with you. You know what she did to that Slytherin quidditch player, right?" Piper planted her hands firmly on her hips, satisfied this might finally get the boy to back off.

"Oh... I-I didn't realise. I... Erm... Should go. Quickly. Sorry, Cresswell." Darien stammered, paling at the mention of Esme and making a hasty exit as he dashed back into the castle and left Piper and Dirk alone again.

They stayed in silence for a moment, before Dirk rose from his seat and started to almost shout, "Piper, what you said was completely wrong. I really don't want to be rude but I cannot put up with-"

"I'm gay."

Dirk blinked. Hard. Repeatedly. It was kind of like someone had punched him in the throat.

"Dirk? Are... Are you alright?" Piper waved her hand in front of her face.

"Yes. I... I'm... Fine. I'm... Yeah..." Dirk frowned, not really able to string a series of words together.
She sighed sadly, "I get it if you hate me. I can completely leave you alone if you want, it's okay. Just, please don't tell anyone. No matter how much you hate me."

"Wait... What? Hate you? Have you lost your mind?" He frowned again, confused this time.
Piper frowned at him, "Excuse me?"

"I don't hate you because... Because of any choices you make about your personal life." Dirk shrugged with a laugh as though it couldn't be anymore obvious.
"Really?" She sighed with relief, an enormous smile erupting onto her face, "I can't believe it!"

"I do owe you an apology, though." He admitted.
She frowned again, the smile instantly vanishing. Piper was all too aware of how many people viewed homosexuality, and despite loving Dirk deeply as a friend, she couldn't help but fear the worst - that he might turn on her. "Whatever for?" She nervously asked.

Dirk sighed softly, "I was so... Annoyed. I was getting angry at you because I thought you were obsessing over me. I thought you were infatuated and were crossing a line with me. I'm sorry I nearly shouted at you today. It was all so self centred. I never considered for a moment that you might be acting the way you did in order to deflect the advances of other people. I shouldn't have assumed the worst of your actions. Truthfully, I should have been upfront and admitted my concerns - then perhaps I could have helped you feel safer sooner."

"Dirk..." Piper sat down slowly on the bench, Dirk sitting down beside her too, "You don't owe me any apologies. I should have been honest sooner but... I can't tell how anyone is going to react. I was only trying to get Darien Fawley to leave me alone and I feared if I came out to him, he might spread it round the school and then really bad stuff could happen."

"Piper, I would never let that happen. You don't owe me, or anyone, any sort of explanation or coming out." He offered comfortingly.

"Now, Piper Horix... Will you be my fake girlfriend to deter the advances of that creepy Hufflepuff? Or, at least until you replace me with your own girlfriend." Dirk grinned warmly at his friend.
Piper couldn't hide her glee at finally being able to be completely honest with someone she trusted so much, "Dirk Cresswell, I wouldn't fake date anybody else."



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