Chapter 45: Stand By Me

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Rey's POV:

Later in the day, Ben comes up to me saying he has a surprise for me. I get really excited just wondering what it could be. He blindfolds me and guides me by my hands for a while. I am so excited to be with him and focusing on something other than the battles we might be facing. We come to a stop and my stomach fills with butterflies while I wait in anticipation for him to remove the blindfold. When he does, he reveals us to be in a beautiful ballroom that is absolutely stunning to the point it's hard to believe that we are still in the same temple. "A lot of people helped restore this room along with most of the other living spaces here while we were gone." He explains. "This is absolutely beautiful," I say grabbing his hand with a gentle squeeze. He gives me a tour of the kitchen, training room, dining room, living areas, and countless bedrooms. This Temple reminds me more of a castle the more we explore. I try to imagine how the people would have originally lived here. In a time before we made this our new hideout, reminding me of a few fairy tales I would hear from other children back on Jakku.

Ben's POV:

The closer we get to the main bedroom the more nervous I get. I want her to say yes. I want her to stay here with me, I want to bring back the Gray Jedi Order with her. I want her to forever stay mine and for me to stay forever hers. However, I am terrified that she will reject me and not take my hand yet again.

We enter the grand empty room, I turn to face her towards me. At this point, I am visibly shaking and I can tell Rey is starting to worry about me. "Ben, what is it? I can tell something is bothering you?" She asks with concern in her eyes. That's my girl, always able to read me like an open book. "Rey, I want you to stay here with me. I want you to run the Gray Jedi Order with me." I explain and look down at the floor, afraid to see the look of rejection on her face. "What is the Gray Jedi Order Ben? I think I read about it in one of the ancient Jadi texts but I am not sure." 'She didn't turn me down right away. This is new.' I let out a sigh of relief. I am hopeful since she is entertaining the idea and now I know I can't screw this up. I spent a while explaining to her who the Gray Jedi were and the code they lived by. I explain how our job would be essential to only intervene when one side of the force is stronger than the other. This is because we are supposed to live in the understanding that nothing and no one can be completely evil or completely good. There will always be a little bit of each in everyone. She has a deep look of concentration on her face as she begins to pace back and worth. "What do you say? Will you join me?" I ask while reaching my hand out towards her in a familiar way. She is silent for a while. "Please?" I ask begging as my outstretched hand starts to shake and sweat as my anxiety rises; waiting for her to answer. 'I wish still I had my gloves to hide had sweaty my hands are.' I am relieved though when I feel nothing but peace through our bond. My eyes widen in excitement at the sensation of her hand slipping into mine. I stare at our interlocked hands for just a moment in disbelief that this was actually happening. I take advantage of this opportunity to pull her by our joined hands into a passionate kiss.

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