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I'm the one pinned against the wall when Sam's voice announces it's time to go. Josh has the sensitive skin of my neck between his teeth and his hands are tight around my ass. I whimper when he withdraws from me, immediately missing his touch.

Once our bodies are separated, Josh seems to get shy, walking to the door a few steps ahead of us, facing the floor, leaving Sam and I to walk side by side.

"That was a little too intense for someone so unsure," Sam declares as a whisper.

"I got a little carried away," I say looking at him, a mischievous grin playing on both of our faces.

Josh had other things to do with his mouth that wasn't drinking, so he ends up responsible for the drive back home. Jake runs to claim his spot at the passenger seat, leaving me to go between Sam and Danny again.

"Do I have to sleep in my earphones tonight?" Sam whispers in my ears, reminding me he shares a wall with Josh. I laugh and hit his shoulder playfully. My lips move forming a soundless "stop" that makes him laugh and pull my head to his chest, where I keep it until the drive is over.

Josh doesn't wait for me to get out of the car, inside the house or in his bedroom. He leaves me behind the whole time, his head always facing the floor. Sam watches as his brother walks without me, he draws his eyebrows together and keeps shaking his head. "What the fuck?" Sam whispers eventually. I don't know how to answer.

When I get to the bedroom, Josh is about to leave, a pair of pants and an old shirt in his hand. "I'll brush my teeth and change," he announces. "Be right back."

I rummage through his drawers trying to find something for myself, ending up with the same shirt I sleep in everytime a crash at his place. I leave to brush my teeth after he comes back, meeting Jake in the hallway, facing the floor when he does, eyes never meeting.

When I get back, I find Josh lying on the mattress he sleeps in whenever I'm here, on the floor, next to his bed. "What are you doing?" I ask, earning a confused look.

"Going to sleep?"

"There?" I ask.

"This is where I always sleep when you're here, Sky."

"We've done a few things today we don't always do. I was thinking we could keep doing new stuff, y'know." His eyes sparkle, but he doesn't move. "Why are you avoiding me?"

"I'm afraid you will apologize like you did the first time we kissed and I don't want that. I'm not avoiding you, I'm avoiding the moment you'll regret."

"I won't, Josh," I tell him, finally walking to the bed and lying down.

It doesn't take long for him to find a place next to me, both of us side by side, lying on our backs, facing the ceiling.

"You're not using me to get to Jake, are you?" The question catches me off guard. Am I?

I roll so I'm lying on my side, body glued to Josh's. "I don't wanna talk nor think about Jake. This is not about him, ok? I've been feeling things for you, things I haven't before and I want to explore those feelings, if you let me."

His hands find my waist and pin me to the bed, making me lay on my back again. His warm lips press themselves against my neck, his curls brush on my face softly. I tug his hair, making a breathy moan escape through his lips as I bring his mouth to join mine.

"I've been feeling things for a while now too, y'know?" He speaks against my lips kissing me passionately again. "How far do you wanna go?" He pulls away and look me deep in the eyes. My body is shaking out of nervousness, anticipation and the fact his on top of me and I don't want him anywhere else.

Blue Sky // Josh KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now