Chapter 18 - Preparation

Start from the beginning

'No one goes to the roof anyways, so it's not like anyone is going to know.' smirked Natsuki.

Just then she felt a buzz in her pocket and pulled out her phone only to see she got a text from her goddess Yuri.
"Weird, wonder what she wants?" Said Natsuki opening her message app.

Purple Bookworm:
Goodmorning Natsuki, if your up would you like to walk to Monika's house with me?

Natsuki blushed just a little.

Yeah sure, I'll meet you at the weird Y shaped place where our roads meet and stuff.

Yuri blushed not expecting Natsuki to respond, let alone say yes!

Purple Bookworm:
Ok see you there.

Natsuki left the house shortly after with an extra hop and skip to her step because of the fluttering and excitement in her heart.

"Not only is my dad gone, bit I get to walk with Yuri?! Could this day get any better!?" Mumbled Natsuki unable to control her small grin and was more then happy to see Yuri waiting for her at the chosen destination.

"Sorry, did I keep you waiting?" Asked Natsuki slightly waving to Yuri as she walked closer, trying desperately not to look Yuri up and down and hide her huge smile.

"No, you didn't don't worry." Said Yuri as she approached Natsuki and wrapped her arms around the smaller girl. Nutsuki grew small pink blushes on her cheeks as she returned the hug, smiling like a lunatic.

'Yep it did get better!' thought Natsuki trying to control her excited heart at the feeling of Yuri's breasts against her. As if she just realised what she had done, Yuri practically jumped off of Natsuki.

"S-Sorry I should had asked first!" Said Yuri fiddling with piece of her hair as it cloaked her face.

"Nah, it's fine. A little surprising, but fine. I'm wondering why though? I never took you for the hugging type like Sayori, I guess you're full of surprises huh?" Giggled Natsuki at Yuri's obviously overly flustered face, unable to contain her smile. Yuri froze at the sight, just staring in adoration for a few seconds before clearing her throat and speaking.

"W-We're friends now, right?" Quietly asked Yuri, now using both hands to fiddle with her hair as she avoided all eye contact. Now it was Natsukis turn to blush.

"U-Uh y-yeah, I guess we are f-friends." Said Natsuki scratching the back of her head nervously, still smiling though.

"T-Then Is it ok if I h-hug you every now and then...?" Said Yuri very very quietly, blushing like a mad man.
Natsuki was now also blushing like a mad man.

"S-Sure, j-just not all the time like Sayori, that shit gets embarrassing." Said Natsuki letting out a cute giggle, accidentally causing Yuri to malfunction for a small second.

"O-Of course a-and same goes for you." Quietly said Yuri, after regaining control of her brain.

"Well come on then Yuri, if we wait any longer I bet Sayori will get there before we do and of that happens we won't have any baked goods left!" Giggled Natsuki.

"R-Right." Stuttered Yuri. They walked for a little bit in silence until Natsuki popped the million dollar question.

"So, how was it when you went back home? How was your sister?" Asked Natsuki.

"I got lucky, she was passed out on the sofa, so I didn't have to talk to her." Said Yuri with a relieved smile.

"Holy shit what luck! Come to think of it, I was kinda lucky too yesterday." Said Natsuki also smiling with a toothy grin.

"How so?" Asked Yuri, tilting her head cutely to the side in curiousity.

"My dad got a new job and moved away to work there, so I have the whole house all to myself for months! How great is that?!" Exclaimed Natsuki smiling more widely.
Yuri frowned.

"So your going to be home alone? For months? Natsuki that's dangerous..." Said Yuri in a worried tone.

"Heh, I think you'll find I'm much more safer now then I was before." Blurrted out Natsuki, too happy to realise how worrying that sounded. Yuri was smart and chose not to pry.

As expected it only took a short amount of time before they reached Monika's house and too their surprise, Sayori was already there. Ten minutes later they had successfully packed everything they needed for the festival. The school wasn't open to the public so it was just a good opportunity for clubs to get more members, the whole day would just be kids wondering the school not doing lessons, looking for knew clubs and being forced to wear a school uniform.

The girls didn't just pack what they made but a few other things for decoration purposes and even bought a fair amount of sweets on the way to school to draw more attention. When they got to school they were all surprised to be the only ones there and got to the classroom without having to push aside any other anoying classmates.

They rearranged all the desks to look like tables and made two long ones on the left and right side of the room and one desk in the middle of the room. Monika decided it would lighten the place up if  she brought a few pure white table cloths and they were just able to cover every desk they used.

Natsuki layed out all the food and drinks they had on the left hand side by the windows, before going to help Yuri put up the banner at the entrance and trying hard not to look up Yuri's skirt when she helled the ladder still for the purple haired godess.

'Striped...' thought Natsuki tightly closing her eyes.

Monika and Sayori layed out all the panflips on the small table in the middle and put a pile of sheets beside them for students to fill out if they wanted to join.

While Monika hanged up some origami animals and plants on the ceiling for decoration, Sayori was doodling smily faces, hears, stars and all sorts of cute things all over the white boards with many different coloured pens.

After Yuri hung up the banner and looked at the blushing Natsuki in confusion, she placed and ordered all the books from novels, to comics, to manga, on the long table on the right hand side of the classroom. 

The remainder of the time was them trying to stop Sayori from eating all their sugary treats and stopping Natsuki from punching MC who arrived as soon as all the work was done, even though they texted him the time he needed to be there several times.

After sayori and Natsuki calmed down, the group decided to make plans on who gets to go explore the different club rooms, because staying cooped up in one room for 5 hours in school is torcher not matter how you look at it.

However Monika knew she couldn't leave the room being the club president and the only one who could proparly answer anyone's questions about the club and paired Sayori up with MC so she could have fun and not be alone.

Sayori was happy but Monika was not, no matter how much the brunette fake smiled.

MC was smug about the whole thing. Fucking prick why did I even create him...

Of course Monika paired up Natsuki and Yuri before telling all the other members to go out for an hour, come back and then switch shifts. Natsuki and Yuri were the first to go when it was announced the festival had begun by the school bell..

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