"H-Hi." He seemed so in shock... Oh yeah, it has been a week since anybody spoke to him, other than probably himself. All he did was think. I chose my next words carefully, picking out a typical conversation starter. "How are you?"

"I don't know. You?" God, his accent is so beautiful. Australian. I like it. "Good, seeing as I was finally allowed to come see you." I said, trying to sound as... approachable as possible. This guy seemed so genuine, and maybe, just maybe, I'd be able to restart with him. I have been acting so cold to everyone here ever since the Eon incident, nobody actually knowing why, except our sultan, and maybe a few others who snooped around every time I asked Eon to come help me with something, which was at least 3 times a day, and he also hadn't been sleeping with his normal roommates, telling them he was having some time to himself outside, when he was actually with me.

So, I'm guessing you could see why some people might have had some suspicions. Of course I am not 100% sure of Troye's sexuality, but from my time observing him, I was almost sure he was gay. I still plan on keeping my cold act, seeing as it won me more respect from everyone here.

"Where are we? What's your name?" The tone he was using suggested he was nervous. Anyway, I just decided to skip questions and tell him the truth. "My name is Tyler. Now this might sound a little weird, so bear with me. We are in a huge facility, hidden from the real world. I know that you too have been hidden from the real world by your father, and it was one of the deciding factors for bringing you here. Our 'here' is actually called 'the league', but people who do know us refer to us as 'the league of assassins'. So yes, we are all assassins here. But of course, for someone new like you, you'd have to train a little before we could actually let you have your first mission, outside of the facility. From what I know, you have the qualities we look for in an assassin and you actually know how to fight pretty well. That's why we brought you here. Welcome to the league!" Why is he pinching himself? Does he think he's dreaming?

"Umm... Are you sure you have the right guy Tyler? I mean... I-I don't know." This guy. He's so cute when he's flustered! I literally just dropped a bomb on him, yet he still looks adorable. I decided I still wanted to jab a little, seeing if I could get another cute reaction from him. "Trust me, we have the right guy. I don't think anybody could possibly match the beauty that you are, except maybe the pictures I saw of you." The reaction I got was priceless. His face was a mixture of shock, shyness and pink. His whole face was so pink, and it was all because of one little compliment. I better be gentle with him, he has no idea what love is, other than family love since he has never met anybody but his parents.

"Thanks, but I know one person who does look better than me... and that person is you." It was my turn to be flustered. Although just a random compliment like that from anybody else would have left me frowning, this made me feel light-headed and giddy. I thought he didn't know how to flirt. I guess he didn't either, based on the confused and disturbed face he was currently wearing. "W-What? I mean... anyway you will be going through a starter test to see where we should place you. We aren't going to make you start from the very basics because you obviously know what you're doing." Ugh. I silently told myself to never stutter again when I was near him.

"Troye, you should start getting ready for the test, Miranda will escort to your home and then to the testing hall. See you after the test!" I concluded, because I didn't really feel like keeping this conversation going. I stepped outside, seeing Miranda walking towards me. I gave her a small nod and she stepped inside, taking responsibility for Troye. At first I had chosen not to attend the test, but ever since talking to him I think he'd want me there. So I changed my mind. I decided to just take some time to think, in my own little bubble, while I waited for the test to commence.

I got to my home, sitting down Indian-style, and closed my eyes. I evened my breathing and cleared my mind. After a minute of just literally thinking of nothing, something came to mind. Something that I haven't thought off in a long time actually. Eon. Well, his death, or his killer. I was persuaded to find his killer, but I guess with all the Troye action I had forgotten. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to forget. I just wanted to forget what I had promised myself to do. I just... didn't see the need to do it anymore. I'd never find his killer anyway. There really wasn't any point to it now, especially since I met Troye. I didn't feel what I felt before.

Actually, I have no idea what I felt before. It's been 8 months since I left, and only a week that I've been back. That's how much time I spent looking for the perfect person. After a month, I had found Troye, and decided to stay with him for a little. Well, 7 months isn't just 'a little', but I mean come on. He was worth it. I used to listen in on their dinners sometimes, and Troye's laugh is so cute. Just like him. I literally laughed out loud just because of his laugh.

Checking the time, I realized that his evaluation was soon to commence. I had 15 minutes to get ready. I got up, brushing the dust of the back of my legs, and headed towards the shower. This was going to be quick, I had to be there as soon as possible and preferably before Troye. I think Troye will do amazingly well in his test, counting on all the times I'd seen him train with his father and fight bears with his bare hands. Punny. I'm sure he wouldn't need to work that much to get to the level of a basic assassin. After 5 minutes, I was out of the shower and heading toward the testing facility. I can't wait to see Troye in action!

A/N: hi i dont really have anything to say, thx for reading comment vote and point out every single error yall find

Love you my shrimps

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