Chapter 2

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Troye's P.O.V.


Ugh. Where am I? I think I'm lying on a table. My ears are ringing. My feelings are slowly coming to me, and I finally realize how cold the table actually is, arching my back to try and get away from it. I only got up about halfway before I got pulled back down right away by the restraints on my wrists. This is seriously starting to get annoying. Why can't they just be nice and bring me here instead of tricking me into drugging myself and strapping me to a frozen table? It's not like I could run away or something, I have no clue where I am anyway. I mean seriously.

"Hello? Anybody there?" I asked, but obviously got nothing in response. Instead, I heard the door open, meaning somebody just walked in. I didn't even bother to look, knowing it would be just another person behind another mask. Who knows if they're even human? Maybe they're aliens! Was I abducted by alie-

"Hello Troye." I was shocked. Literally and completely shocked. The first time I had hear another voice other than mine in a long time.

"H-Hi" I chocked out, scolding myself for sounding so intimidated. I guess its just been so long since I've spoken to somebody.

"How are you?" The voice asked. I decided to turn my head just a little to see who I was talking to. This person, who was a guy, was dressed in really awesome ninja gear. On the right side of his right leg, there were shuriken with really cool designs. Actually, they mostly resembled a dragon. On his left leg, multiple throwing knives were tucked neatly into little pouches stuck to the fabric of his suit. They were all of a different length, also adorned with the same dragon emblem. Looking up higher, I realized that he had no mask, revealing his beauty. And man, was this guy good-looking or what! He had beautiful blue coloured hair and his face was just... magnificent! His blue-green eyes were so captivating. Is this what normal people looked like? Maybe these are who my father was talking about. If they all look like this, I think I would punch my father for never bringing me here earlier.

"I don't know." It's not like I wasn't saying the truth. I had no idea how I felt about my situation. "You?"

"I'm good seeing as I was finally allowed to come see you." Wait. What? Allowed? Where are we? "Where are we? What's your name?"

"My name is Tyler. Now this might sound a little weird, so bear with me. We are in a huge facility, hidden from the real world. I know that you too have been hidden from the real world by your father, and it was one of the deciding factors for bringing you here. Our 'here' is actually called 'the league', but people who do know us refer to us as 'the league of assassins'. So yes, we are all assassins here. But of course, for someone new like you, you'd have to train a little before we could actually let you have your first mission, outside of the facility. From what I know, you have the qualities we look for in an assassin and you actually know how to fight pretty well. That's why we brought you here. Welcome to the league!"

Is this a dream? Let me pinch myself, maybe then I'd wake- OW! Ok, I guess not. This doesn't even make sense. How did they find me? "Umm... are you sure you have the right guy Tyler? I mean... I-I don't know."

"Trust me, we have the right guy. I don't think anybody could possibly match the beauty that you are, except maybe the pictures I saw of you." I felt my face heat up. What is this? I've never felt this... feeling before. Why am I so hot? Oh word play, word play. "Thanks, but I know one person who does look better than me... And that person is you." I didn't realize what I had said until I said it. I thought boys were supposed to like girls, but here I am finding a guy hot. Weird.

"W-What? I mean... anyway you will be going through a starter test to see where we should place you. We aren't going to make you start from the very basics because you obviously know what you're doing." When he first starting talking his cheeks were all pink. I wonder if I caused that. But after 3 seconds it disappeared, leaving me with just a straight face and planting a frown on my face. He looked even better with those pink cheeks. I'd really have to... compliment him more often. "Troye, you should start getting ready for the test, Miranda will escort to your home and then to the testing hall. See you after the test!" And with that Tyler disappeared through automatic doors near the back. Where was this Miranda he was talking about? As if answering my silent call to her, Miranda made an appearance.

"Hi Troye! Come on hurry up let's go! Hurry my uncle is waiting for me!" Her uncle? Anyway, I followed her back to my home, getting to look at the halls for the first time. Well, I don't know if you could call them 'halls'. They were entirely made out of glass, except for the small platform that served as a bridge. I had gotten used to the view, but that didn't mean it wasn't beautiful to see everywhere I went. As I looked around, I realized that each facility was connected by these glass tunnels. We were heading towards all the homes, I guess.

Once we got there, she showed me the way to my home. My home was number 4, which didn't bother me since it was my favourite number anyway. Miranda opened the door for me and handed me a key, which I gladly accepted. I'll finally be able to leave this place when I want! Although, it did feel weird. I never imagined having my own home. I always thought I would've lived with my father. I guess it just wasn't my destiny. "Troye, the outfit you'll be wearing is in the drawer under you bed. Take a quick shower, put it on and get your small, perky butt over here!"

She has a weird of way talking. I literally laughed halfway through her instructions. I do like that she seems almost always very enthusiastic. Anyway, I did as I was told. I stripped into my boxers, taking a towel and downward-dogging to reach for my outfit under the bed. It seemed like quite the impressive outfit, white and black. There was a zipper, starting from the lower back area and stopping at the top, on the neck. The material felt comfy, and I could tell by the size 'S' that it was going to be pretty tight. Entering the bathroom, I started the shower, setting it to the right temperature and used the time that it took to heat up to look at my reflection in the mirror. Tyler said I was pretty. Tyler. He's hot. What am I doing? How can a simple thought distract me so well?

The ringing of a bell brought me back to earth, signalizing that the water was ready. Feeling the shower's water on me always had a soothing effect. Although, today my brain didn't feel like functioning normally. As soon as I got in the shower, my mind immediately drifted back to Tyler. Instead of warding those thoughts off like I had done earlier, I embraced them. Maybe, just maybe, I felt something for Tyler. I think I remember one of my dad's stories being about about two guys falling in love with each other, him finding it so lovely and adorable. Of course, me hearing about a boy falling for another boy was quite the experience. That night, all we talked about was homosexuals, as I learned to call them. My dad had told me that a lot of people called them 'gay' instead, although I decided to stick with homosexual. It felt more... complete. I also remember my dad saying something about homosexuals not being accept-

"Troye? What's taking you so long? Can you hurry up?" That was definitely Miranda's voice, drained out to a minimum with all the noise the water was making. Realizing I had forgotten to answer, I said truthfully, "I'm dreaming about my crush."

"Crush? You're telling me everything when I bring you to the testing hall. Everything. Now hurry up!" Talk about impatient. I put my dreams of Tyler aside while I washed myself as fast as possible, since that meant I'd get to see him faster and also make Miranda stop waiting. It's a win-win situation. After drying up, I put a clean pair of underwear on and took a good look at what I was about to put on. It was white with an outline of a circle in black right in the middle, the white stopping at the waist where the black took over the rest. I put it on and I could tell that from anybody looking at me, they would say it looked tight, but it was super comfortable and fit me super well. When did they take my measurements?

I left the room hoping to find Miranda as soon as possible, locating her searching through my refrigerator. "What are you looking for? I can't go grocery shopping here, and I haven't been able to leave this house ever since I came, so I have nothing."

"No, I wasn't looking for food, silly. I was just setting the temperature for it. After your test, we'll go get you some food and drinks." As she said that, she turned around and eyed me from my head to my toes. "Spicy."

A/N: heyyyyy sup guys I wrote a chapter cuz I'm awesome even though no one reads this story. Ayyy

Love you my little koalas :3

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