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Once the couple had made it to where Emily's room was, Jared had then taken a deep breath in, and opened the door

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Once the couple had made it to where Emily's room was, Jared had then taken a deep breath in, and opened the door. 

What he saw would always stay with him, and it had shaken him to his core. Emily was on the bed, she had three giant claw marks on the side of her face, which was covered in bandages. 

Which had seemed to be held by stitches which is what Jared was assuming. Jared had then rushed to where Emily was and sat down next to her. The girl is asleep, but she slowly woke up when she felt that there was someone else in the room.

"Jared?" Emily asked. When she looked towards the door she saw that Penelope was there, and she spoke again,

"Penelope?" Emily was confused. She knew what had happened, but she had hoped that Sam would come.

"Jared, where is Sam?" Emily said. 

Emily had wanted to hear the truth, that Sam was distancing himself from her, that he will not be there for her and her time of need. The right before Jared could answer, that was a presence behind Penelope. 

When Penelope had looked back to see were panel if you were standing, she saw that Sam was standing behind her. When Jared had realized that Sam was here, he got out of the chair next to where Emily was and went towards the front. 

Sam had taken Jared spot and spoke,

"I'm here Emily, I'm here," Sam spoke to Emily. He was trying to comfort the girl with scratches that are caused by him.

He thought that Emily would never forgive him for what he had done because he had hurt the one person that he promised he would always protect. 

He had made the promise to protect her, and he found out that he was also something that he needed to protect her from and was unstable, and he needed to learn control. He wanted to learn control for Emily, no matter how long that will take.

"You're here," Emily spoke. 

She was relieved that he was here, she was so happy that he was. She needed Sam more than anything at this moment, and she could not be happier that he was here. That he showed up.

Sam had them put his hand on the unhurt side of Emily's face. He was cupping her cheek, and she had moved herself further into his hand. 

Seeking the warmth that only Sam would have. The warmth that had always comforted her, and the warmth that she loved. 

She nuzzled that herself further into his hand, Sam's shoulders sag. He was exhausted by the events that happened, and he did not want to go through this again. 

There was enough fear within him to last him a lifetime, and he wanted nothing more than to take Emily home. He wanted to be as far away from this hospital, and he wanted her back in their home. 

A place where he knew he could protect her. 

Though, this moment was enough for the two of them, because they knew that they were there for each other, even when times got tough.

On the other hand, Jared and Penelope had realized that the situation was between Emily and Sam, and Jared had lightly moved Penelope away from the front door and had then closed the door. 

Once they had closed the door, Penelope and Jared had sat down on the chairs in the hospital. The two of them are still processing the events that had just happened, but now it was time for Penelope to get her answers. 

She was not going to stop until she got her answers, she believes that she deserves them.

"Jared, I want the truth," Penelope spoke.

✓ | BLISS, Jared CameronOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora