Chapter 48: Murderer

Start from the beginning

"You! What are you doing -"

Tom slashed his wand again, and there were double cuts on his cheeks. More blood. "I said," he threatened him, "That I would like the information but you failed to give it to me. Prepare to face your consequences."

"Stop this, you -"

"Crucio!" he pointed it straight to his face and the old man immediately sprawled himself onto the cold floor, writhing in pain. He yelled loudly, but Tom stepped on his face, causing the deep cut to oozed more crimson liquid.

Emily had took several steps back, not believing what she just saw. The person in front of her and somehow changed.. Her legs wanted to take off, but she stood rooted at the spot, much too afraid to do anything.

"You sick man!" the owner cried out loud, followed by a series of piercing screams.

"Crucio.." he muttered the spell as if it was as easy as simply moving an object. The man cried more, and finally he stopped moving. Emily watched as his pained expression turned solid and the soul left his body.

She let out a small scream and Tom snapped his head into her direction. But before she could meet his eyes, she sprinted down, throwing the tea away and dashed outside.

Emily ran and ran, the cold weather whipping through her hair and face. Her hands were shaking and her legs felt like melting into piles of water.

Completely forgetting that Tom Marvolo Riddle knew how to apparate, she took no notice of it and ran straight into him.

She yelped and stumbled back, falling down onto the snow.

"Go away!" she scrambled, tears spilling out of her icy blue eyes.

"I did what I had to do. Relax, I'm just practicing," he looked at his wand in amusement and edged forward, crouching in front of her.

She backed away and felt alarmed as her back hit the wall. He reached out to touch her face but she kicked him away, curling herself into a little ball. His hands had never felt so icy cold. So icy cold.

"You're cruel! You killed him without blinking an eye!" she squeaked, her voice feeling hoarse.

His expression hardened. "Cruel? That's just how life is. The strongest stay at the top, Emily. Haven't you forget that?"

"You killed him, Tom. I will report you! I'll tell Dumbledore, you insane slytherin!" she tried her best to glare at him.

"Or would you?" he challenged her, "Would you do it if I... Told you not to?" he went closer.

"You're a murderer! I'll, I - I would -" she sobbed, wiping her tears furiously.

"You wouldn't."

"I want you to stay way from me. I don't want you to come anywhere near me, or my friends, and Connor. If you hurt him, I - I won't forgive you," she whispered the words softly.

His anger rise. She had never said something like that to his face before. It's a shame that she had to watch him kill that pathetic old man...

Tom took her face in his hands and she tried her best to kick him away, struggling and squirming, but eventually she let him have his way.

He traced her lips with his thumb and kissed her gently, wrapping his arms around her just like he always did. He pressed her against him, sucking her lips till they were a little swollen.

Emily started to kick again, frustrated, but he was much too persistent to stop kissing her. He haven't done it for quite a while, and he longed to savour the moment.

The world just had to stop. Emily melted into his arms, exhausted from punching and kicking about. She broke the kiss and buried her face into his neck, snuggling herself against him. Why did things always ended up him kissing her? He knew it was her ultimate weakness and took it as an advantage. Had he actually wanted to do it or is it just a way of distracting her?

He had lots of girls... Surely he had used every single one of them by buying their hearts in..

Emily pulled away quickly, but he took her back with his strong hands. Everything seemed fake. All the years, all the moments, seemed extremely unrealistic.

Fool, Emily thought to herself.

"If you don't love me, why won't you let me go? I have someone waiting for me. Don't you know he's in the verge of death? If it wasn't for me, he would've stayed at Hogwarts!" she shouted, heated from all her thoughts.

"Oh, is he?" Tom smirked at the thought of it.

Emily gritted her teeth. "He is... You know I love him too.."

"Well, too bad. It's life, isn't it?"

She pushed him away harshly. "Enough.. Don't come to me again. Don't kiss me. Don't hug me. Don't talk to me. Just stay away," she stormed past him, fresh tears sliding down from the corners of her eyes as she turned her back.

But I still love you. Please remember that, Tom.

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