Chapter 44: Settling In

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Finn's POV:

Ben and Rey have been nice enough to allow Poe, I and BB-8 to stay in their room on the Falcon while I await for Poe to wake up. BB-8 does not talk much anymore, too worried and depressed about Poe, all he does is stay by my or Poe's side. I have been spending all my time sitting on the edge of the bed praying for the force to help him through his recovery. My heart aches for him, knowing how hard the recovery process might be. Rey didn't receive the antiserum but she was healed physically through the force. She still struggles with the side effects of the brainwashing; however, you would never guess that was the case. She appears to be her happy bubbly everyday self, but Ben has been visiting me to tell me about his worries. He says there are small moments when they are alone and her walls are down that he can sense just how tired and worn down she really is. The worst stories though are the ones of her night terrors that have been causing her to sleepwalk and violently act out. The words he said replied in my head over and over again, 'I hate to admit it Finn, but that is the reason why she has been sleeping in a modified holding cell. We decided it was the best way to make sure she didn't harm me or anyone else without knowing it.' The pained expression he had as he explained that is haunting my mind. I could not even begin to imagine how it would be going through what he is having to go through with his love. I have to try to understand, knowing it very well might be worse for Poe since he has been on this horrific serum so much longer. Whenever we land Rey and Ben have decided to take us, I reluctantly leave Poe's side.

Once outside the Falcon I can't help but be in awe of the Temple we are in. Everything is stunning to look at even though it is fairly rundown. Everyone is already gathered around the Falcon not quite sure what to do next. As the only currently awake general I know I have to address them. I climb to the top of the Falcon so I can overlook all our allies, "Everyone may I have your attention please" I announce and everyone quiets down. "We will set up camp here tonight. Then tomorrow night we will hold a meeting to let you know of the plan from there. You are all dismissed for the time being. Thank you." I say trying to sound confident but end up sounding more like a droid instead. I let out a sigh, 'Poe has always been better at these public speaking things than me.' I allow the memories of his past speeches to fill my mind giving me hope that everything will go back to normal one day. I start to notice the crowds slowly dissipating and I rush back to Poe's side. I hate leaving his side for any amount of lengthy time, not wanting him to wake up without me there. I return to my spot, I grab his hands in mine, hoping it provides him as much comfort as it provides me. After some time I meditate, praying to the force yet again that Poe will be ok since there is nothing else I can really do. I can't wait for my pilot to wake up, I miss him so much and I need him by my side once again.

Rey's POV:

I peek my head in to check in on Poe, Finn, and BB-8. I see Finn silently cry as he meditates by Poe's side as BB-8 has his head down. I really do miss Poe's energetic demeanor, it would feed into everyone and keep them going even in the worst of times. I miss seeing Finn's joy-filled eyes as he gawked over his overly optimistic friend. I miss BB-8 non-stop banter. I decide to leave knowing they are good as long as they are by each other's sides. As I leave the Falcon and see Ben in the distance trying to give everyone instructions on where to set up their camps for the night. 'He would be a great leader if given the chance.' I walk up to him with a smile and I can't help but giggle when he raises an eyebrow at me. His face is set in what I come to call 'Ben's serious face'. "What's with the face Ben?'' I ask, trying my best to hide my laughter. "I can't believe you're still wearing that." He states gesturing to my outfit. Looking down I realize I'm still in the same outfit I left the rebel base in. It's honestly not that bad looking and rather comfortable. The only thing kind of exposing about it is the lowish back, plunging neckline and the two almost waist-high slits on either side of the skirt to allow easier movement. He takes off his robe and throws it over my shoulders, pulling me close to him in the process. "I only ever want you to dress like this for me." He whispers in my ear and I can feel his smile against my ear. "I know I owe you for the stunt I pulled today, but for now I like seeing you squirm,'' I whisper back. I poke his nose teasingly and slowly slide his robe off my shoulders. Allowing it to drop to the ground before I walk away to start helping people settle in. I look behind me only for a brief moment at Ben's bewildered face as he stares me down. It takes all my strengths not to let out a laugh knowing that I made him that way.

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