| WAYV | Imagine #4 - Lucas |

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Summary: When tough days get you

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Summary: When tough days get you.

Words: 1180.


It's been some heavy days for you after the dramatic times you had the last year of college. Your life took some drastic changes to the social part because the people you knew weren't who they supposed to be and they played you wrong. Might sound dumb to feel bad about these things, yet, for you, it meant a lot since you knew those girls for about three years. Your current mood is about beyond this; the drama is drama and what happens can't be changed; however, the part that hurts the most is the after effect where you see that no one cares about what happened, just you.

Feels wrong. You've always been nice to everybody around you, the way you speak to others isn't disrespectful; you are punctual for every event you have to attend or place you have to go, the way you care about your friends is bigger than most think of, and you give your all when it comes to trusting somebody. You keep secrets, you give pieces of advice, you give second chances; you love everybody equally, you don't endure rage to the people you dislike, and that makes you believe you didn't deserve what happened last year.

The rest of your friends that work with you, had been supporting you ever since they knew the people who were involved. Also, they are trying to text you and reach out as much as possible, after all, they want you to know that you aren't alone.

Today, you are at your apartment. Not wearing anything fancy or stylish, just sweatpants, a hoodie and your cozy socks. You aren't planning on going out today, so, you wanted to feel comfortable around your home, even though you know the day is perfect for grabbing a delicious coffee and meet with your friends at the studio. But you couldn't; you aren't feeling well.

You began to think about many questions about yourself. Sounds odd but right now you don't have anything better to do when suddenly you heard knocks on the door. Briefly, you walked to the entrance and opened the door, revealing Lucas behind it.

-Babe! – Lucas smiled before kissing your cheek, then he got inside your apartment.

-Lucas, you didn't call – You said surprised while closing the door.

-Yes, I forgot my phone at home – Lucas grinned while stretching his arms.

-Oh, okay – You spoke. -Sorry for looking like this, I wasn't waiting for anyone – You told.

-Don't worry, you look cute – Lucas said while looking at you, then he started to caress your cheek. -I was worried since I haven't known from you the last couple of days – He said.

-It wasn't my intention... I've been odd lately – You said while looking away from him.

-Is everything alright? – He asked.

You shook your head before some tears started to drop down your face.

-Oh, babe – Lucas hugged you tightly, trying to comfort you as much as he could.

-Am I a bad person? Why do I have to go through these things? I always respected them and looked after them... why treat me that way when I didn't do anything to them? – You questioned while sobbing under his embrace.

-Y/N, they don't deserve you. The way you are is perfect as it is; they might be jealous that you are such a great person – Lucas spoke before kissing your head. -I don't think you need them in your life, there are more people out there and you can trust in other friends – He assured.

-Thanks for saying that – You spoke. -I feel hurt because I didn't expect a backstabber from them... I trusted them and thought they weren't just looking for something material in return – You disclosed.

-Material? – Lucas asked confused.

You nodded while looking at him again. -They found out that I was in SM Entertainment; they knew for a while back. So, when I told them to stop talking bad behind my back, they told me to give them something back. Anything, they said – You revealed.

-Those weirdos – Lucas chuckled. -Babe, those types of people don't make you a better person, so, just think that losing them was the best way for you to grow stronger and without any evil clowns around you – He grinned at you.

-Evil clowns? – You looked at him before giggling a tad.

-What? They remember me to clowns and what they did was evil, so, they are evil clowns – Lucas explained before chuckling along with you.

With a faded smile finally on your face, caressed Lucas' hair and looked at him.

-Thanks for making me feel better – You said gratefully.

-No, no, it's my job as a boyfriend – Lucas joked. -I'm glad that it worked – He said before holding you in between his arms.

-I'm sorry for making you worry – You murmured while rubbing his back.

-It's okay. I know it's been hard for you to get back to your usual self after this; they ruined your last college year, so, I understand why you feel like this – Lucas said sincerely.

-It's taking me a while to recover, but I'm sure I'll be better soon – You said.

-That's good to hear – He murmured.

-And the next time you come without telling me before, I'll be better dressed – You said embarrassedly.

Lucas laughed before taking your hands. -Babe, you are beautiful with anything you wear. Plus, looking like that makes me want to cuddle with you the rest of the day – Lucas smiled happily.

-Yah~ I won't be your pillow – You complained cutely.

-You definitely will – Lucas chuckled before guiding you towards the living area, then he carried you towards the couch and both laid down together before Lucas grabbed the cozy blankets and started to cover you up.

-Are you cold, hon? – You asked.

He nodded. -We are below 0°, how come you didn't feel it? – Lucas asked surprised.

-Hmm, I drank a cup of tea an hour ago... maybe is that – You said. -Or maybe it is because you are here – You teased.

-Ah, I see what you are trying to do – Lucas chuckled before kissing your forehead. -I love you, Y/N, and never let anyone still that humour and smile from you. Now, come here.

You got closer to him, making him embrace you instantly. You didn't hesitate to feel comfortable while snuggling next to him, which made him chuckle of how cute you were looking. Just trying to find comfort under a warm embrace. He kissed your head while breathing calmly, making you feel at ease again.


Hopefully, you enjoy this chapter. I wrote it since I'm feeling anxious and stressed out so I thought it was a cute way to put my negativity away, also, thinking about Lucas from WAYV makes me feel better since his good energy and attitude always cheers me up.

WAYV is an amazing sub-unit from NCT, they deserve so much love... I hope you can check them out and give them a lot of love!

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day or night~

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