Blaine's day at the zoo

Start from the beginning

"I dunno, here Blaine" I say as Blaine began to eat his pancakes.

"Fank you"

"Dad I will makes us both some sort of healthy breakfast" I say and start to get to work whilst my dad began playing with Blaine.

"Gwnapa 'urt you 'ome too" Blaine says eating another bite.

"Where buddy?" He says pretending he doesn't know.

"Zoo!" Blaine exclaimed happily.

"I wish I could kiddo but I've got work today" he says while ruffling his hair slightly.

"Oh" Blaine says with a disappointed look.

"Can't you call in sick" I say totally not eavesdropping.

"I wish but it's meant to be really busy today maybe Carole will go with you and take Finn"

"What's this about me and Finn?" Carole walks in and says.

"Gwanpa 'urt can't come to der zoo so 'e 'ought you could come in'tead" Blaine says nearly finishing his bowl but managed to knock it over and on to the floor.

He looks at us shocked and puts a hand over his mouth.

"Uh oh" he says looking at all of us then the floor where he had dropped his food then back at us again.

We all laugh at his silliness.

"It's alright sweetheart I can just do you another one if you want!" I say picking up the bowl and putting it in the sink.

"No fank you i wan go an pway now and get to der zoo!" he says.

"You know the rules sweetheart you have got to stay in your chair till everyone is finished" I say to him and he starts crying.

"It's alright Kurt ill go play with him"

"What about breakfast Carole?"

"Ill have it later" she replies taking Blaine's tray off and putting it in the sink.

"Are you sure?" Burt says.

"Yeah I'm not that hungry anyway and of course ill come to the zoo and Finn might come too" she says while lifting Blaine out and taking him in to the living room to go play.

"Okay then"

Once me and dad finished breakfast he decided to wash up for me while I go and get me and Blaine ready.

"Come sweetheart let's go and get you dressed" I say picking him up of the floor.

"Yay zoo time!" he exclaims.

"Thanks Carole" I say to her.

"No problem I love playing with this little one anyway" Carole smiles and gets up off the floor. I take Blaine upstairs and put him on the bed while i went to get some wipes to wipe his hands down from the pancakes until he starts to wiggle uncomfortably.

"What's wrong baby?" I say while wiping his hands down.

"Nappy" he whimpers.

"It's alright sweetheart we'll get you all nice and clean" I say picking him up and walking over to the changing table and laying him down on it and getting a clean nappy and wipes. Once I've changed him I put him into his play pen while I got an outfit for him and an outfit for me I take Blaine out of his play pen and lie him down on the changing table once again.

After me and Blaine are dressed ready to go, we go downstairs where Carole and Finn are watching T.V.

"Hey can you watch Blaine for me and try to put his socks and shoes on please whilst I sort the changing bag out" I ask Carole.

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