The beginning of hell

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 She was known as the girl with daring brown eyes with just the right amount of freckles and two perfect sized dimples. Her smile lit up a room when she walked in. Her appearance wasn't her problem. The problem she was facing compared to the other kids in school that she was facing was going to school like the admiral kids were thoughts continued to run in her head as the years went by with every wonder.

Months went by she was now about to enter into the 6th grade. Now she didn't only have a hell war she was stuck in the middle it of at home. Now a bigger school wasn't the only thing she was worried about a couple of days before school started we had to drive to school was kind of pissed because she doesn't know why we got there, some random lady was standing there smiling saying hello there, I ́m Mrs.Hetzel, she stood there silently looking at the ground twisting my hair she had thoughts running through my head like wild though her mom wasn't thinking she was being rude she was just being shy with every hope she had thought prayed to god every night he gives her a miracle or someone to stand by her. She was feeling mentally weak no one saw anything wrong with her even though she tried to show signs to show them that she was a child that needed someone to stand by her.

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