My attention again turned to the witcher, my cheeks still pink. "Only for two days now." A smirk curled Geralt's lips and his eyes moved from the bard to me. "For some reason, I get the feeling your tales don't do him justice."

His eyes softened with his smile as he pushed his mug towards me. "Yes. Thank you."

"They're on me," I said as I filled it. "My way of saying thank you. It's the least I can do."

A pucker formed between his pale brows. "For what?"

"You were the only person who was going to help me."

His gaze dropped to the table, but I was graced with another close-lipped smile and a grunt.

"So," Jaskier began again. His fingers laced together in front of him and he leaned forward to look up at me through thick soot colored lashes. "You found my performance lacking then?"

I sighed. "You sing beautifully," - Jaskier straightened as his eyes shot to Geralt and a single finger rose accusingly in his direction - "but, your lyrics leave much to be desired."

Whatever he was about to say caught in his throat. The finger dropped, and his hand landed heavily on the table, rejoining the other. Geralt grinned. "Jaskier, were you going to say something?"

The bard shook his head, one hand automatically moving to comb his brown hair back into place. I decided to throw him a bone. "Though that one song is rather catchy." The melody tumbled much more softly from my lips than Jaskier's, "Toss a coin to your witcher." Jaskier's eyes widened and the people close enough to hear stopped what they were doing to listen. "O' valley of plenty. O' valley of plenty." I couldn't bring myself to look at Geralt.

By the time I sang the final word, Jaskier was grabbing for his lute. "Beautiful and blessed," he said. "Will you sing with me?"

"I'm flattered, but I have things to attend to," I said, taking a step back.

Jaskier's face fell. "Another time then."

"Perhaps." I once again caught the eye of the witcher as I prepared to make my exit. "Thank you again, Geralt."

I turned to leave but the way my name rolled off his tongue stopped me in my tracks. "Is there a particular reason you've been watching me?" Turning back to look at him, I smiled, another blush spreading across my cheeks.

"Only your jaw line," I replied. I had imagined kissing from the cleft in his stubble-covered chin to the sharp square of his jaw more times than I could count. "Maybe your eyes."

Jaskier's hand slapped to his forehead as realization dawned on him. Sliding it down his smooth face as he groaned dramatically and began muttering beneath his breath, but Geralt's focus stayed on me. "Most people are put off by my eyes."

"I'm not most people."


Later that evening, young Genson came running into the kitchen, panting and dripping wet. His brown curls lay matted to his head from the rain. "Kass," he managed, "I could really use a hand in the stables. This storms got some of the horses plum spooked."

I nodded, setting down the potato I'd been peeling. "Of course. I'll be right there." He returned my nod, turning to disappear out the back door. "Lara, can you finish those?"

The little blonde looked up from chopping carrots and glanced at the potatoes on my station. "No problem. I'd rather be in here than out there."

The storm raged, and the wind howled. My hands rose to rub at my arms as I jogged through the shower to the stables. The horses' neighing reached me even through the steady thrumming of the rain. Lightening exploded across the sky just as I reached the doors. Hooves slamming against wood echoed louder than the thunder from somewhere down the two rows of stalls as I slipped inside. Even the lanterns on the inner posts rocked on their nails.

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