Chapter 6

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Thistle could sense something was wrong. She stirred in her sleep. Her eyes shot open and immediately noticed the empty spot where Moon should've been.

It wasn't unlike Moon to take a walk at night, shes done it plenty of times before. The unease in her stomach, however, did not settle. Thistle got up and woke Ursa.

"Ursa!" Thistle nudged the young bear awake.

"Wha? Huh? What is it?" The bear yawned and opened his eyes.

"It's Moon, she's gone." Thistle looked up worriedly at Ursa.

"Thats not good!" Ursa yelped. "Maybe we should go look for her?"

"I don't know, she might just be on a walk, or gone hunting.. maybe she will be back later.." Thistle's voice trembled as she tried to reassure herself.

Thistles eyes widened. "Or she could've been kidnapped by Talon, or worse!" Thistle turned to Ursa.

"We have to look for her.."

Ursa agreed and the two set out looking.

"I'll look from the sky, you look in the forest. Let me know if you see her!" Thistle flew off into the sky leaving Ursa.

Ursa sniffed the ground. He could smell Moon, but the scent was faint. He kept sniffing and found a recent trail. He shouted in happiness. She chased after the trail.

Thistle searched, but she couldnt see anything. When she looked down, she saw Ursa running. She glided down and ran after him.

"Ursa!! Have you found something?"

Ursa huffed, "yeah! I found her scent trail!" Thistle beamed.

"This is perfect! We will find her for sure!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2020 ⏰

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