Part Two: Do You Remember?

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•Part two is a series of letters from a girl to his friend who had taken his own life, she never intends to send these letters but writes them to give himself a form of closure in what had happened. 

This is a sensitive topic for many people, and this part of the book revolves around self harm, depression, and eventually suicide, if these topics are sensitive to you, proceede with caution or skip to the next part.

If you or anyone you know is struggling with bad thoughts, seek help from a trusted adult or a trusted friend, not telling somebody is worse than any reaction someone could give. 

Always be sure to check on your friends who have been going through something, or even your friends who seem okay, because for all you know that could just save their life. 

Thank you. •


7 December 2018

Dear JJ,

    Do you remember when we were six and you fell off the swings on the playground? You couldn’t stop crying, I saw you and asked if you were alright and the rest is history! When we went into school together we were in kindergarten and we were each other's best friend. Oh, how I miss being young and not having to worry about anything other than what we were going to eat for lunch that day, or what marker we were going to use. 

I remember you hated grape jelly but absolutely loved strawberry jelly, you loved peanuts but couldn’t stand peanutbutter. Why was that JJ?  I remember your favorite snack was carrots and nutella, I thought it was disgusting but you seemed to love it. 

How I miss you, you don’t understand. It’s been so hard without you around, everyone sucks. I know you’re not here anymore, but I miss you so much. 

Love Always, 


8 December 2018

Dear JJ, 

Do you remember in seventh grade when I got yelled at for having my hair dyed? I was so upset and we went out for ice cream, you knew it would make me feel better, it did by the way. At this point we were friends for about eight years, the best eight ever! 

I always saw you as a brothis, you saw me as a sister. We always had a special bond since we met, and it continued for years. 

Seventh grade was so hard for both of us, but I believe if we didn’t have each others we wouldn’t have gotten through middle-school. I’m so glad we met JJ, you’re the best friend I ever had. 

Love Always, 



11 December 2018

Dear JJ, 

Do you remember freshman year? It wasn’t the best, but we had each other and that was amazing. I got my first boyfriend that year, and my first heartbreak… not the best feeling. You helped me through it though, brought me ice cream and we watched movies that weekend. 

It helped a lot having you those and having someone to talk to, you kept me sane the whole year. I wish I had known more about your situation and knew how to help you better than I did. I know I shouldn’t blame myself, but I feel like it was kind of my fault.  

Freshman year really started to sck towards the end of the year, because we knew nobody and we were known as the “weird kids,” because we never talked to anyone. So, people decided to pick on us, everything sucked but we tried to ignore it… 

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