Chapter 44 Behold The Wizard Of Oz

Beginne am Anfang

Im an Animal Lover That I Prefer Friendlies.

Kayden: I must Protect This Little Chick no matter what costs('▽'ʃ♡ƪ). now Then, back t- hmm?

Im Already There.

Kayden: hehe.. oh e.e

I Covered a Little Chick with my Both Hands, Now Im Standing at the Main Door and Knock.

*Knock 3x*

Kayde: *Clear Throat*

Door Opens.

Its Qrow Branwen.

Qrow: Oh. Its you. um *Small Burp Sound* Kayden.

Atleast my face is covered with Gasmask.

Kayden: ugh um.. hello. just a little time to visit hehe.

Qrow: sure, come in.

Now Im inside back at the Random Inn.

Ren, Nora,Jaune and Ruby were sitting on the Couch and a Farm Kid sitting on a different Couch.

ID Name: Oscar Pine

Kayden: 'Dipper Pines?, Mable Pines?, now There's Oscar Pines?, Real Fantastic For These Names'

Nora: Your Back!!

Ruby: Sup Kayden.

Kayden: Hey..

Ren Pointed at my Both Hands.

Ren: whats that on your hands.

Kayden: um a Lost Little Chick

I Uncover it while Im holding a chick, it was asleep and made a little chirp sound.

Jaune: Is that a Chick?

Kayden: Yup. ^_^

Nora: I Didn't know you like Animals.

Ruby: aw can i see?

Kayden: you can already see it here you know. first of all.. anyone who's that kid here?

Jaune: you may not wanna believe this, he's known as Professor Ozpin.

He's what?

Kayden: Pff *Laughing for 5 seconds* *inhale* your serious are you..

The Kid Steps Up and walk towards me with a Cane, hes a bit smaller than i expected.

Oscar(Ozpin Mode): Im Serious Kayden.

Kayden: (。_。) 'My God'

Oscar(Ozpin Mode): Im sure you want to hear an entire Story.

Kayden: alrighty then. 'i Can't believe its real, A Person of a Two Souls'

Oscar(Ozpin Mode): Please Have a Seat.

(King Crimson)

Welp They Already Told me about The Story of all about Ozpin's Reincarnation, Story About Enemy Name Mommy Salamy, Story of Light and Dark Gods, that story was Qrow was about to say it. The 4 Maidens, Qrows and Raven's Curse that Turn Into a Birds, Trust me it almost made me laugh on front of him since they can't see my expression behind my Mask, and Magic is Real.

I was Sitting next to Ozpin Face to Face, It was the First time meeting a Person with 2 Souls, The Little Chick was Awake travelling around, Randomly pecking each floor.

He Attacc

He Protecc

But Most of All He Loves to Pecc.

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