Chapter 7: Healing Hearts... Er, Wounds

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[[ Shell's POV ]]

How long has it been since this man has eaten? It's not like we don't get the lost starving traveler every now and then, but still.
And what about all of his wounds? Was he mugged or something? ... Oh! Look at his foot! It's so swollen!

[[ Loki's POV ]]

As I begin to Finnish off the meal the waitress approaches me again. I look to her questioningly.
She points to my foot, "That foot is pretty swollen. Someone should probably take a look at that along with the rest of your wounds."
I brush it off, "I'm fine. I don't need help."
She gives me this look of disapproval, "That foot needs to be tended to even if the rest is ignored."
I begin to get irritated at her prying, "I told you I'm fine!"

[[ Shell's POV ]]

I fold my arms. This man is being so stubborn. Time for tough love.

I turn to the bat-man, "Simon, will you please move to that table over there."
Simon screaches kindly, picks up his mail bag and politely moves to the other table.

The man with the blue skin looks confused, "What are you-...?"
I grab his leg and prop his foot up on the empty bar stool. He seems to have been tired enough to not fight back much.
He looks at me angrily, "Stop! I told you I'm fine!"
I lightly touch his toe.
"Gah!!" He yelps in pain.
"See, you are hurt."
He looks at me with fury in his eyes, "Well of course it's going to hurt when your shoving your finger into my foot!"
"Oh, come on. I'm hardly touching you, see." I then touch the side of his foot.
"Aaaaaaaaah! Aaaah! Stop! Stop it!" He yells in agony and the rest of the tavern turns their head to see what the commotion was about.
I hold my finger lightly in its place, "You're hurt. Let me help you."
"Aaaaaahaaah! Fine, Fine! Just stop!!"
I take my finger off of his foot and he grabs his leg trying to ease the lingering pain. I can hear him moan slightly as I go to get another first aid kit and some ice.

[[ Loki's POV ]]

Pain pulses up my leg and I hold it trying to nullify the aching.
What's wrong with that girl?! Help me? Kill me more like it!

I sit there quietly as she comes back with the medical supplies and begins to ice my foot.
She tried to make friendly conversation, "I would have used ice cubes, but we've got plenty of snow outside so no need, right?" She smiled.
I ignored her.
She huffs and frowned obviously upset with me.

I stay silent as she binds and ices my foot. She then continues to tend to the cuts on my legs.
When she reaches up to take my arm I pull away. She looks up angrily at me so I sigh and let her take my arm. I wince a little as the alcohol burns in my wounds, but I don't complain.

When she's done she puts the supplies away and stands up, "There, all better, though you should try to stay off that foot for a day or two."
I sigh slightly but admit, "Thank you for helping me."
"You're welcome." She nods.
I don't look back at her, but in the corner of my eye I see her grin a big toothy smile before she leaves to continue her work around the tavern.

For being so annoying, pushy and nosey she was actually rather cute. She wore a cream color sweater and skirt. The skirt was wavy came down to her knees with a thick red rim. Her curly red hair seemed to fit her self confident personality and her bright blue eyes evened out her strong will.

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