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Izaya rolled around under Shizuos blankets trying to get comfortable.

"Seriously? You asked me to take off work so you could go back to sleep?" Shizuo grumbled.

"Yeah so? I want to spend time with my boyfriend."

Shizuo cringed. "That word is murder."

Izaya scowled up at his boyfriend. "Whatever. I'll just have to find something else to call you."

"Maybe you could try my actual name? I do have one." Shizuo sat on the edge of his bed and crossed his arms. "Izaya."

"Hmm?" Izaya looked up at Shizuo.

"You're cute." Shizuo blushed when the words slipped from his mouth. He had meant to call Izaya a flea or a blood sucking leach. Cute. Shizuo Heiwajma had accidentally called Izaya Orihara cute. "Uh. I have to... go uh over here." Shizuo panicked and swiftly walked to his bathroom and turned on his shower. Dropping all his clothes, Shizuo hopped in his shower and pressed his head against the cool tiles in a corner. "Idiot." He mumbled to himself.

Izaya raised an eyebrow and shrugged off the odd behavior. Shizuo did things like this all the time. Izaya thought back to last week, it had been when he was changing, Shizuo kept starring at him. "Like something you see?" Izaya had teased.

Again, Shizuo blushed and said something awkward. "Uh your underwear."

"What?" Izaya was genuinely surprised. His underwear hadn't been anything special, just black with a yellow stripe.

"N-nothing." Shizuo stuttered before lighting a cigarette.

The water running in the shower got Izayas attention and pulled him from his memory. So he was taking a shower again? Shizuo seemed to do that when he was upset. Izaya sighed and left his blanket nest. Entering the bathroom, he could hear Shizuo muttering from the shower.

"Stupid stupid stupid." Was all the shorter man could understand over the sound of the water. 

"Shizuo?"  Izaya asked, leaning against the bathroom door.


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Came the flat sounding response. "I'm fine."

Knowing that talking to Shizuo when he was upset was pointless, Izaya left the bathroom and got dressed. Quickly forming a plan, Izaya picked up Shizuos phone and sent a text.

Shizuo: I need to talk. Can you come over?

Cringing at what he has just done, Izaya silently snuck out of Shizuos house. Out into the hallway and then a back alley. Izaya Orihara headed back to Shinjuku. He missed his home. Sure it was cold feeling and empty but it was his. Boarding a train, Izaya logged into the dollars website. Wanting to do one more thing, he dropped a bomb shell.

"Shizuo Hewajima is seeing someone."
Shizuos shower was hot, almost scalding his skin. He washed and looked down and his body. Scars. Shizuo ran his fingers over the scar on his chest from when he and Izaya met. The scar had faded and sank into his skin. Sometimes it was itchy and on the rare occasion Shizuo went to the beach, his scars didn't tan like the rest of him.

Finishing his shower and shaking off the feeling of embarrassment from earlier, Shizuo heard someone knocking.

Panic. 'Who is here?? Izaya! Was he hidden? What about all of his things, did he put them back in the designated spot? No one ever came over, who was here?' Thoughts raced through Shizuos mind.

"Hang on!" He shouted before quickly. Throwing on some clothes and doing a fast once over, he didn't see any traces of Izaya. Feeling his nervousness subside, he opened the door.

It was Kasuka.


"Are you okay?" Kasuka asked and brushed by his brother, taking in the humble apartment. "What's wrong?"

"Uh what?" Shizuo squinted in confusion.

"You- you texted me?"

"What do you...?" The realization hit. Izaya must have messed with his phone. That asshole, they had a rule about messing with each other's phones! Shizuo sighed deeply. "Look. I'm fine. I'm sort of... well I'm seeing someone."

Kasukas blank stare burned into his older brothers face. "Seeing someone? Well good."

"Uh yeah." Shizuo didn't know what to say. Looking over his brothers head he noticed Izayas jacket. That stupid fucking jacket! Everyone knew that was Izayas. Even people who didn't know Izaya, they knew his jacket!!

Kasuka looked around the slightly crumbling apartment. "You should work on fixing this place up."

"Uh ye-yeah. I should, what are you doing today?" Shizuo nervously tried to draw his brothers attention back.

"I made some arrangements. I have the rest of the day free." Kasuka shrugged.

"Great! Let's go," Shizuo pulled on his brothers arm. "Let's go to the home repair shop." Anything to get his brother away from recognizing that stupid fur trimmed jacket.

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