Chapter 38: Sunrise

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Ben's POV:

In the morning I wake up with Rey still in my arms. I smile to myself and as I pull her closer to me not ever wanting this moment to end. In my mind, I was convinced that yesterday was nothing but just a bittersweet dream and Rey was still actually gone but it wasn't. I untangle myself from her and go get some breakfast rations I brought from the Rebel base. As I'm waiting for the rations to cook, I notice Rey's lightsaber. I know Finn somehow retrieved it but everything happened so fast yesterday that I didn't notice I had put it with the food rations. I pick it up and put it on my belt. I grab breakfast which is just bread and some water and then walk back to the room. I see Rey still asleep and I watch her chest slowly rise and fall for a moment. She looks so peaceful the fact I have to wake her up pains me a little. I set the food down and walked over to her. "Rey it's time to wake up," I say gently tapping her shoulder. She bolts up, using the force to grab her lightsaber off my belt and ignites it. I jump back and throw up my hands. "Seth" She hisses. "Rey it's me, it's Ben." She slowly lowers her lightsaber as she realizes what is going. She turns off her lightsaber and drops it. She gets up and pulls me close to her as she cries into my chest. She whispers repetitive sorrys in between sobs as I wrap my arms around her and let her cry. When her sobs quiet down, I inform her of breakfast. We eat in silence, her head resting on my shoulder. When we are done, we get ready for the day.

Later I guide her to the highest point of the Gray Jedi Temple. "Ben, what are we doing up here? I am still half asleep?" She complains quietly in my ear. I can't help but giggle at her comment. 'Well, she obviously is not a morning person.' We sit down where we can watch the beautiful view of everything around us. I pull her close to keep her warm. I also needed her touch to prove to myself that she was really here with me. She rests her head on my chest and I can't help myself from running my fingers through her soft hair, which is almost waist length now. "Are you still awake?" I ask while looking down at her for any kind of reassurance, she shakes her head yes in response. I press a kiss on the top of her forehead. 'Oh force how love this girl.' As the sun rises I give her a gentle squeeze, as the landscape before us comes to life. I can't help but watch Rey as she gets so excited and happy like a little kid on their birthday. "It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," she says while gesturing the hills covered in rainforests and rivers. "No, I have seen something much more beautiful," I say. This seems to annoy her, she crawls out of my lap to turn and look at me as if waiting for an explanation. I sigh, "Nothing could ever compare to your beauty in my eye," I explain in hushed tones. I start to laugh as I watch her turn bright red. She kisses me and I kiss her back. The kisses grow in intensity and passion to the point I can't take it anymore. I stand up and scoop her up. I practically drag her into the nearest empty room in the Gray Jedi Temple. She looks up at me with an expression that turns my inside into mush. "Can I show you exactly how much I love you?" I ask while tugging at the neckline of the shirt she is wearing. She pulls me into a passionate kiss which I assume to mean yes.

After we are finished satisfying each other's needs, I take her to one of the nearby rivers. We swim, explore, and love each other until nightfall. At the end of the day, Rey is so tired that I end up carrying her back to our room on the Falcon. I lay her down gently then crawl in next to her. "I would not trade these moments with you for anything," I whisper in her ear as we both drift off to sleep.

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