Chapter 28: The Final Stand

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(Y/n)'s POV

Me and Scarlet were making our way back to town. After learning that Pandora had been lying to her about everything, she decided to join our side.

As we were walking, she suddenly began to slow down before stopping all together. I turned to her.

(Y/n): something wrong?

Scarlet: it's will your friends feel about me joining your side?

(Y/n): be honest, Cody may be a bit sceptical, but he acted the same way when he met me. So there's no need to worry.

Scarlet: I don't mean your human friends. I'm talking about the other hybrids.

(Y/n): listen, I'll explain everything. The only thing you have to do is convince your friends to join us too.

Scarlet: uh, I never really saw those two as "friends". They were just fellow soldiers.

(Y/n): man, so you never considered anybody to be your friend?

She shook her head.

(Y/n): well, your life's about to get WAY better.

We continued walking and arrived at the center town, where we saw Rex and Finn fighting the rathalos hybrid, and Aiko and Nara fighting the deviljho hybrid.

(Y/n): you wanna take care of this?

Scarlet: I'll handle it.

As both groups were fighting. Scarlet stepped forward and steadied her breathing.


Without any hesitation, everyone paused and stared at us. The rathalos hybrid spoke.

R-45: A-24, what are you doing with A-23?!

Scarlet: my name isn't A-24 anymore, it's Scarlet.

I-63: what now?

Scarlet: listen, the 3 of us have been fighting for the wrong side. Pandora has been lying to us all these years and we were stupid enough to believe her.

Rex: well, you're definitely right about the stupid part.

Finn wacked Rex in the back of the head with his tail, knocking him out.

Finn: please continue.

Scarlet kept going.

Scarlet: we were never her children, we were just her tools. She used us as weapons and we acted as such. However, now we have a chance to make things right. Together we can stop Pandora once and for all and prevent her from plunging the world into chaos. Now...are you with me?

R-45: sure.

I-63: why not?


I-63: hey, we follow A-24 no matter what. If she wants to switch sides we're all for it.

Finn: so are you her teammates or her entourage?

I-63 and R-45 looked at each other.

I-63/R-45: both.

(Y/n): ok, enough chit chat. The point is she's on our side now and she's willing to help us stop Pandora.

I-63 and R-45 walked up to me and Scarlet.

R-45: wherever she goes we go.

(Y/n): welcome to the

I pointed at R-45.

(Y/n): I think I'll call you Blaze...

I then pointed at I-63.

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