Remus smiled briefly, relieved to hear those words. He was indeed bothered with the idea that if Snape saw him transformed he wouldn't want him anymore.

"Still, I don't want you to see it, listen to it... makes me... embarrassed" Remus confessed

Their negotiation continued for quite some time. It wasn't easy at all, but Snape managed to make Lupin allow him to stay outside the house and only enter after a series of confirmations that he was still himself. Remus also made a huge point out of making Severus promise that if his life was in danger he could do whatever it takes to protect himself.

When it was four o'clock, Lupin finished his class, got this bag, wrote a note and left for the Shrieking Shack. He knew the transformation was creeping on the edge of his consciousness and it could happen early in the night. It was not worth the risk waiting any longer.

About two hours later, Snape found Remus's note on his desk and went to the house as well, bringing a couple of things with him using an undetectable extension charm on a small box.

On his way to the Whomping Willow, listening to the cracks the leaves would make as he walked, Severus observed the moon just behind some clouds and started thinking about Remus. Nightfall was earlier in the past week, maybe the influence of the moon was stronger this month. He also tried distracting himself mentally with other theories to calm his nerves, this particular path made all sorts of noises that were putting him on edge.

As soon as Snape was reaching the place, he prepared his wand to make sure nothing would catch him off guard. His heartbeats were faster, his instinct was telling him to turn around and run. The thought made him feel bad, it was Remus after all. Not only that, it was his own potion. Still, his instinct was making his steps slow, short and careful. Maybe the experience he had as a teenager was more traumatizing than he cared to admit.

Closer to the house, he heard loud screams of pain coming from inside. That only made Snape think that his numbing potion probably didn't work as expected and his instincts were also telling him this screaming was maybe Remus losing his human consciousness.

Silence came next and going against the cold sweet on his hands, Severus waited outside, as promised. After long moments of wait in the cold, he heard four paused scratches on the front door and one on the metal lock. That means the Wolfsbane was working. Snape got closer, wand still ready.

"Another two scratches if you can understand me, Remus"

Remus answered accordingly, also howling in the specific way they agreed. It was really him.

"I'll open the door now. Step aside" Severus warned him

Snape was scared, he had to admit it, his hand was shaking slightly while he held his wand. When he opened the door slowly the werewolf was there, fully transformed with his arched back and eyes dark as night. It was Lupin, his expression was there somehow, only that he moved in a very different way, purely animalistic.

Lupin was sad to see Snape was scared of him, but of course, he didn't blame him. Remus sat on the floor, letting Snape get closer when he was ready. When Severus kneaded on the floor and looked directly on his eyes, he finally touched Lupin's face on the side.

"Evening Remus" he tried to say in a friendly way

Remus made a wolf-like sound moving his head slightly, maybe it meant the same.

"Forgive me for all this, I can see it's you now" Snape said apologizing for his first expressions

Another low howl followed and Lupin poked Snape's hand with his nose. Maybe it meant for him not to worry. This wasn't so hard after all. Snape caressed him on the head and behind his ears, receiving a satisfied expression from the other.

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