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🦋Inspired by Thunder - Roy Blair🦋


Day 1 of Journaling

  I'm only writing in you because if I don't then I have to go back to that place and I really don't want to.

  Today is my second week back at school. Everyone whispers about me saying some crazy ideas about why I left like I set my house on fire or my favorite one, I killed someone. I really think it's funny that everyone wants to know you after you disappear for something mysterious.

  Besides the rumors school is ok. Why am I lying to a book? I have gotten in trouble a lot for walking out of the middle of class, skipping, fighting, cussing out teachers, and also "decorating" the school with my artwork. Mr.Walker, the principal, said my only option right now is expulsion, but my stupid self said I will do anything, so now I'm in the art club.

  Apparently, they need new members and Walker said I could use my "artistic" genes in here legally. All I do is test the colors of the markers and other writing utensils. The art teacher, Mrs. Jean's, gets frustrated with me when I don't do the projects in the club, but I honestly don't care.

  That's enough journaling for today. I have to get ready for school sadly, and try to fake take my meds. I know what you are thinking, 'Just take your meds,' but you don't understand how the meds make me feel. Anyhoo, see you later I guess.

- J.


After, I put on a pair of black joggers, white tshirt with paint stains, and my grey hoodie with some grey high top converses. I grab my backpack and phone and start walking downstairs. Lucky for me my brothers already left for work so it makes it easier for me to pretend taking my meds. I throw them down the sink grab my keys and walk to the front door.

I get into my black Dodge Durango 2019 and start playing Jerome by Lizzo.

Poor little baby
Who told you that you stood a chance with this royalty?
You're so sweet, bless your heart

Honestly, I was so focus on singing every part of the song I forgot to stop at the store for snacks.

I walked into Dollar General and got lime hot cheetos, takis, air heads, twigs, and a can of pineapples. I love pineapples so I couldn't resist buying them.
I started heading to the self check-out but then some rude person literally  ran into me.

"Oooh shit, I'm so sorry I didn't see you there G."

I looked up and noticed it was James or Rico whatever he calls himself now. He goes to my school he is so annoying in my opinion. I just stared at him and walked away to check out. I didn't have to time or energy for him.

Finally, I make it to school and as usual I'm late. I'm not surprised. I walk into my first period College Algebra. The teacher gave me the same look everyday: disappointment. I'm use to that look from everyone. Since I learned the lesson two days ago I decide to just take snack and doddle on my paper.

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