Day 2 (day)

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I woke up near the end of the day while it was still light outside and somebody else was inside the building. It was a somewhat short man probably only 25cm (9.8in) taller than me. He was using some kind of golden and green magic on the legs of another patient. I decided to act as if I had just woken up for the first time
"Where am I!" I wailed trying to sound as genuine as possible. The man jumped out of his skin and had grabbed a knife from the table as quickly as possible to try and defend himself. When he realised I had just woken up he huffed and relaxed. "You're in our healing shrine." We found you in the forest half unconscious and brought you here. I wasn't sure if he was lying on purpose or if that was what the hunters had told him. Because they probably wouldn't mention they almost killed me. Which they didn't because I stopped the arrow myself but they didn't know that and thought they had just missed.

He notices my face and asks where I'm from. He probably thinks my hair is too dark to be from here and my eyes aren't green. He seems perplexed by my eyes. I obviously didn't know the geography apart from a couple of game leaks of the area around the capital. I decided to say the name of the capital as I knew it was along the south coast so would likely have people with darker hair. And if anywhere was to have ethnic diversity it would be the capital.
"Tosten" I responded trying to sound meek as if I was still weak from my injuries.

"Really? I'm guessing you don't live there anymore." He looked at me in a funny manner again. I assumed it was because of my light skin which was probably unlikely that far south as even with the palest of skin tones at least some tan or burn will form. "No, I live in a tiny village along the north coast." I chose that because that way I wouldn't have to know a city or village name and I could give some excuse for my extreme lack of melanin in my skin. "Hmm" He didn't seem to completely believe me but he let me off all the same. "Are you ok to walk?"
"Yeah I'm fine no problems"
"Ok then you can leave if you want but I'm pretty sure Gorgenla and Kusnatz wish to speak to you." I pretended to know who he was talking about. "I'll wait here for them then." It was simply an excuse to not have to go out into the broad daylight. I had to wake up in the daylight at one point or otherwise they would suspect me of the killings. If they tracked it to a vampire after seeing me never be around during the day after arriving burnt to a crisp and looking supernaturally pale. They might start to put 2 and 2 together.

I waited for a few hours bored half to death. I wasn't used to doing nothing. I had always spent every minute of my spare time playing games. But now there was so much time I had to fill but nothing to fill it with, it was sad. It made me feel tempted to attack somebody or leave to see how long it would take me to die but obviously, I wasn't going to do those things, too risky.

Eventually, they arrived they had been told I had woken up as soon as they got back from the forest. They went there hunting every other day. They'd spent one day traveling and hunting and the next resting in an endless loop. It seemed like quite a safe life to me. But then again my life had always been relatively repetitive also. Always playing the same game always doing the same things. so on and so forth.

They asked me a bunch of questions like where I was from and why I was in the forest and how I survived in the forest. I tried to make it as vague and luck-driven as I could saying things like, I went on a stroll and I didn't come across anything dangerous. They seemed bored by this. But continued questioning about how I was and whether I was hurt. They were very frustrated and persistent. I didn't think they would be like that as they seemed genuinely worried about if they had killed me in the forest but now I was just a quick bit of entertainment for the time being. A bit of let's see what info we can grasp from this girl. It sickened me.

Eventually, they stopped and asked me to follow them. It was still light despite being somewhere between midday and sunset, probably closer to sunset but not massively so I didn't want to go out into the daylight. "I'm comfortable here" I insisted but they were persistent and said I had to see it. I had to give up in the end before they would start doubting my humanity. I followed them out of the building into the blinding sunlight. I squinted harshly and almost instantly felt stinging against my skin. The dark room was nice a gloomy but out here the sun hit you like a 1000 degree knife.

I walked behind them rapidly burning in the daylight. My skin was already red after about 10 minutes and hurt like hell. Eventually, we came near a full-on horse-drawn carriage with a canopy and everything. Nice and sheltered from the outside world, and most importantly invasive sunlight. I leaped onto the carriage only to find it had 4 large wooden cages within it. One of the men quickly kicked me into the cage and slammed it shut.

"We caught a vampire!" They shouted at the tops of their voices. "Gorgenla and Kusnatz. Supernatural hunters at your service." Said the taller one. I was not impressed I had only been in the world for 2 days and had already been kidnapped by a pair of supernatural trappers. Well, it didn't matter anyway. A wooden cage wouldn't hold me. All I needed was the cover of darkness and I'd be able to escape without any problems.

Shortly after we had embarked on our journey I swung a fist towards the wooden bars. But just as I touched the bar my fist began to enter the bars. My punch passed through them with no resistance until I felt a heavy hit against my upper back. I had punched myself. It seemed like there was some kind of spell on the cage which prevented me from escaping by looping the cage walls with each other meaning I couldn't even touch the bars. So I slumped down into the cramped and small cage and waited the journey out.

I was in the cart for 4 nights. I wasn't sure where we were going but it mustn't have been very close by. Finally, The men picked up the cage and pulled me out of the cart. There had been a blanket over my cage ever since they had shoved me in.

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