Naruto flew and landed into the water with a cry of pain. Sasuke looked down at his hand and grinned. Now, this is power! But, I need more! Much more! He thought and clenched his fist.

Naruto rose from the water and glared at Sasuke who looked at Naruto and jumped off the statue, charging at full speed, and Naruto followed his lead.

The two clashed and Naruto threw a punch to only have Sasuke swiftly dodge it and kick the blonde on the face.

Blood escaped from his mouth, but he bought enough courage to make a sign, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" He cried and several clones appeared. Each clone grabbed one another and one clone stabbed the statue with a kunai.

With the momentum they had they swung and the last clone kicked Sasuke on the face making him fly onto one of the statue's eye.

Naruto landed safely on a statue and Sasuke got up. He glared at Naruto and appeared in front of him and landed another punch on the blonde. Once again Naruto rose and stood on the water panting.

"What was everyone to you? What was I to you? You're really gonna just throw all of us away to gain power?!" Naruto asked.

"Hn, I consider you Naruto, my closest friend." Sasuke answered and smirked. "But, that's exactly why I must kill you!" He said and charged.

Naruto did the same thing and both went for a punch and both blocked. Sasuke slipped passed Naruto and took out a kunai from his pouch. Naruto quickly backed away and took out a shuriken from his holster and threw it in unison with Sasuke.

Both weapons clashed and deflected. Sasuke stood still on the statue and at an average speed he did some hand signs. "Chidori!" Sasuke yelled.

Naruto once again summoned his clones and prepared his own jutsu, "Rasengan!" He yelled and the two charged. "I'll beat you Sasuke, and I'll drag you back to the village!" Naruto roared and both jutsu's collided.

The jutsu's power ended in an explosion and the two flew back. Sasuke was the first rise while Naruto floated on the water. He turned his head and looked at Sasuke with great sadness.

Reluctant he stood up, without hesitation Sasuke did some hand signs, "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" A huge fireball went towards Naruto and the blonde jumped.

But Sasuke predicted his movements and jumped before he did. Naruto slightly startled couldn't react in time and was kicked on the face once again.

The blonde dropped onto the ground and Sasuke approached him slowly. When he got there he picked Naruto up by his jacket and his hand engulfed in lightning.

Why? I thought we were friends! Did you really not consider us as your friends, Sasuke? Did you really just become this? Is there nothing that can change your mind? But, I have too! I made a promise! I NEVER BREAK MY PROMISES!!!

Naruto's eyes turned red once again, his whisker Mark's became thicker, his teeth were sharper and hair became more spikier. "IT'S TOO LATE!!! NARUTO!!" Sasuke roared and stabbed Naruto with his Chidori.

Blood splattered everywhere and Sasuke grinned triumphantly. Naruto was angry. I WON'T LET OROCHIMARU TAKE YOU!!! He thought and grabbed Sasuke's hand, gripping it tightly making the young Uchiha cry out in pain.

Sasuke pulled away and Naruto dropped on the water, he swayed as his wounds began to heal and an orange chakra swirled around his body. Sasuke stared at the blonde in shock. The chakra then disappeared and Naruto roared.


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