Extra: Wedding

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After that and the Tencent was scolded by the government for doing a publicity stunt for the former actors. But, the public is on the Tencent's side and so the government can't make any complaints more. However, the wedding of the former actors couldn't be broadcasted again. And so the fans rained curses at the government in their hearts as they logged in their accounts on the websites that would broadcast the wedding of the year.

Li Danni is wearing an ugly face as Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan made their vows.

"I, Wang Yibo, promises to take care of Xiao Zhan, love him, cherish him, make him smile every day, make him feel happy every day, never do him wrong, never make him feel sad. Like Lan Wangji towards Wei Wuxian... gege. I love you." Wang Yibo said and smiled as his tears fell. But, he's smiling from ear to ear as he held Xiao Zhan's hands tightly. His happiness for a lifetime – his treasure, the love of his life, is now in his hands.

Xiao Zhan is crying, but because of joy. "I, Xiao Zhan, promises to take care of Wang Yibo, love him, cherish him, make him smile every day, make him feel happy every day, never do him wrong, never make him feel sad. Like Wei Wuxian to Lan Wangji..." he said and smiled brightly. They could hear the guests' cries and sniff in the background as You Are The Most Beautiful Scenery In My Life sung by JS is playing in the background. "... didi ah... I love you, too." He told him.

Wang Yibo leaned down as Xiao Zhan tiptoed and they kissed. They have met one summer. They parted the same summer. However, when they met again, they've became matured. But, even though they have changed, they still recognized each other since their feelings never changed as those memories they shared never faded away.

"Why are you frowning? If you don't want to be here, then you shouldn't have attended." One of the guests told Li Danni.

Li Danni's frown became deeper. "If I won't, then that possessive brat would glare daggers at me." She answered, referring to Wang Yibo. Displeasure is on her face. These two...! She thought, raging in her heart yet she can't make a scene.

Before, she only hated Xiao Zhan since he is too soft for the industry. Xiao Zhan really encountered many difficulties until he reached fame. Now, she hated another one – Wang Yibo. Before, Wang Yibo could only resent her. He can't glare at her since he is still powerless. But now that Wang Yibo isn't in the entertainment industry, she can't use her power to use to show seniority to him.

She isn't a homophobic person, or else she won't attend the wedding. She is only here since Xiao Zhan invited her. Since he is her actor before, she would lose her face if she would refuse. Thus, she can only secretly grieve and resent, she made Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo feel before.

Karma is really a bitch.

(A/N: I think Li Danni only want for Xiao Zhan to be tougher and temper himself. Well, only she knows what she's thinking. ^_^ I hope you liked this!)

~HaiRyuuKi 1/14/2020 1:54 PM, PST 

P.S.: edited. Turn on the CC of the video guys!

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